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[SECC] NAQP CW Saturday

Subject: [SECC] NAQP CW Saturday
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 13:52:48 -0400
Hello:  See the promo message below from N3BB about NAQP Saturday.  It 
has some good points in it and a link to the website for rules.

Please sign up for a FT or PT SECC team with KU8E.  ku8e at 
  Any of you who sent me a message about a team, be assured that your 
messages were forwarded to Jeff.

WW4LL will have a big team for a M/2 effort.


John, K4BAI.

The semiannual NAQP CW contest runs twelve hours from 1800Z Saturday to
0559Z Sunday this weekend.  Quite a few NA FOC members will be active, and
I wanted to remind both North American and DX members of this.  Yeah, I
suppose it's a chance to grab a few "cheapie" Windle points, especially on
new bands, but for those of us who enjoy contesting, this one is a nice
short one (single ops can operate only ten out of the twelve hours) and
there is a real premium on skill as the NA mults (see below) apply to all
six "regular non-WARC" bands.  Thus there will be a lot of "PSE QSY"
messages and people will be darting around similar to the Marathon looking
for additional bands for mults.  It's a Low Power contest, so the QRM
levels will be lower.

This contest is adjudicated by the ARRL so it's well run and cross
checked.  Here is the link to the rules:

One reason for posting this here is to tell the non-NA members that you can
work us in this contest, and that your QSO counts the same as a NA
contact.  You don't count as a mult, but you do count exactly the same
"point credit" as anyone else.  So if the propagation gods cooperate and
you hear us calling CQ NA, please do call.  We can use the contact for
sure, and what the heck, it's a club contact.  Like a well known and loyal
FOCer told me off-line, "work 'em where they are."  Here's where many of us
will be this Saturday.

161,  Jim N3BB

Key points:

     * Suggested frequencies are 1815, 3535, 7035, 14035, 21035 and 28035
kHz) on CW.  "Move frequencies" usually will be higher in frequency and on
"non-round number" frequencies like 14061 as many people will move to
"round numbers" like 055 or 060, and there can be QRM there.
     * Exchange: Operator name and station location (state, province or
country) for North American stations; operator name only for non-North
American stations.
     * Multipliers: All U.S. states (including KH6 and KL7), 13 Canadian
provinces/territories (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba,
Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland/Labrador,
Yukon, NWT and Nunavut) and other North American countries. District of
Columbia counts as Maryland.
     * Non-North American countries, maritime mobiles and aeronautical
mobiles do not count as multipliers, but may be worked for QSO
credit.   Enter their location as "DX" in your contest software.
     * Scoring: Multiply total valid contacts by the sum of the number of
multipliers worked on each band.
     * Output power must be limited to 100 watts (or less) for eligible 


     *  Visit your group "foc_members" on the web.

     *  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
        foc_members-unsubscribe at

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