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[SECC] Reminder, Last NCCC Thurs Sprint Tonight

Subject: [SECC] Reminder, Last NCCC Thurs Sprint Tonight
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 10:20:55 -0400
I feel somewhat shallow in posting a trivial thing like this in the 
light of the disaster and hardship which have befallen so many people in 
the Gulf Coast and New Orleans.  Many of the CTDXCC stations may be 
monitoring the traffic frequencies or passing traffic.  If people wish 
to take a break, for thirty minutes, the final (eleventh) NCCC Sprint 
practice will be held tomorrow evening at the usual time (Central 
Daylight time 9:30PM-9:59PM) and the usual places (the center 
frequencies are 14040, 7040, and 3540).

Since this is the final practice for the "real" Sprint which will be 
coming up Saturday night, September 10 local time, I plan to increase my 
speed to 32 WPM to confirm that I have the mechanics down at a more 
Sprint-like speed.

Note that in the NCCC NS, one can work a "dupe" once both stations have 
made at least one intervening QSO.  So be sure to set your software so 
you can "work dupes."  20 meters usually is good the entire time (only 
30 minutes) and also 40 is open as well.  Toward the end of the thirty 
minutes, activity drops off on 20 meters and switches to 40 meters as 
the main band.

The "Texas locals" known to have been active in these NS-sprint sessions 
are KE5C, K5OT, W5JAW, K5NA, N3BB plus K5NZ and K5PTC (N1LM operator) 
near Houston.  Several of these are have using 3540 for the last 5 
minutes for a bit of activity combined with 40 meters if we are SO2R. 
Some of the other active stations including K4BAI and N4OGW (hopefully 
Tor will be able to get power and be on) have been on 80 meters at the 
end, making 80 a pretty active frequency right at 3540-3541.

Additional info from N6ZFO:

-- 100 watts max, dupes allowed after 1 intervening Q; 1 KHz QSY.
       Otherwise it's like the NCJ NA CW Sprint (see )

-- Rules at


Jim George N3BB

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