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[SECC] Amateur Radio Antenna "CC&R Bill" Reintroduced in Congress

Subject: [SECC] Amateur Radio Antenna "CC&R Bill" Reintroduced in Congress
From: k4sb at (K4SB)
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 17:26:00 +0000
David Thompson wrote:
> Last year I also found that in addition to restricting antennas (of any
> type) they tended to prohibit any transmitting.  One ham was in his yard of
> a Peachtree Corners subdivision when a HOA VP stopped by to say his 2 meter
> hand held was "illegal."

Well, the first thing I would have done was tell him he was
trespassing, and to get the hell off my property. The second would be
to post NO TRESPASSING signs.

Not to mention that this is under Federal law.

Secondly, I would demand that every *&$@@&) garage door opener in the
entire subdivision be removed! And that every ((^^&$# cell phone be

I'm probably missing a couple of other items. Like buying a pissed off
pit bulldog!


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