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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests; This Weekend's Contests

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests; This Weekend's Contests
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 11:17:47 -0400
A.  Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests

California QSO Party
Call    CW Q  Ph Q  Mult  Score    Category     Time    QTH
N4PN    297   518   58    110,722  SOHP         22
K4BAI   352   373   58    104,516  SOHP         20
K4EA    243   435   58     94,656  SOHP         24
NF4A    254   309   57     78,660  SOLP         13.1    FL
WA1FCN  211   288   58     70,122  SOLP         --      AL
K4SAV   341    83   53     63,017  SOHP         21.5
K4ZGB   191   236   57     59,565  SOLP         21.5    AL
W4NTI   210   153   51     47,736  SOLP         10
KU8E    185   102   52     39,468  SOLP         --
NA4BW   159   145   50     38,350  SOQRP        11
AA4GA   129    93   43     24,510  SOLP          6:17
AA4LR    74   101   44     18,656  SOLP          4
W4BW     74    79   40     15,200  SOLP          6
AE4Y    110     0   37     13,209  SOLP          4
WB4SQ     0   109   38      8,284  SOLP         --
WA4VJC    0    71   30      4,160  SOLP          4.5
KR4M     20    34   22      2,816  SOHP          4      SC

Thanks to all for participation.  We should do well in the club 
aggregate score.  There are probably a few scores not yet reported. 
But, again this year we had stiff competition from CCO and TCG.

Oceania DX Contest, SSB

K4BAI           1    1          5  SOSB40      0:01

September Spartan QRP CW Sprint

K4BAI    41                    41  5W - 30+#   2.0   SO2R
AA4GA                           ?  5W

B.  This Weekend's Contests.

1.  Makrothen RTTY Contest.  Sat 00-0759Z, 16-2359Z; Sun 08-1559Z. 
80-10M RTTY.  Exchange:  4 character grid square.

2.  Oceania DX Contest, CW.  08Z Sat to 08Z Sun.  Exchange:  RST + 
Serial #.  160-10M CW.

3.  European Autumn Sprint, CW.  15-1859Z Sat.  80-10M CW.  Exchange: 
Both calls, Serial #, Name.  2 khz. QSY rule.  14040.

4.  Pennsylvania QSO Party.  16Z Sat - 05Z Sun.  13-22Z Sun.  CW/SSB. 
160-2M.  Exchange:  Serial # + ARRL Section or PA county.  200 Bonus 
points for each QSO with W3UU.  Suggested frequencies:  1810 and 40 khz 
up on CW.  SSB:  1850, 2980, 7280, 14280, 2380, 28480, 50125, 146.55. 
Try 160 at 03Z, 10M at 18Z, 15M at 19Z, 20M at 20Z.  SSB on hour.  CW on 
half hour.  keep frequency 5 khz below suggested freq clear for weak 
mobiles.  Has a low power CW only category and a QRP category without 
regard to mode.  They require a summary sheet as well as the log file. 
County abbreviation sheet may be downloaded from website.

5. FISTS CW Club Fall Sprint.  17-21Z Sat.  CW only, 80-10M.  Around 058 
khz.  Exchange:  RST + SPC + Name + Fists # or power output.  Entry form 
may be downloaded from webpage.

6.  North American Sprint, RTTY.  00-04Z Sun (Sat local).  80-20M RTTY. 
  Exchange:  Both calls, serial #, name, SPC.

7.  10-10 International Day Sprint.  Monday (a federal holiday!). 
0001-2359Z 10 M all modes.  Exchange:  Name, SPC, 10-10 member number or 
"0" if not a member.  No contest zone:  18490-28510.  Download entry, 
log, and dupe sheets from 10-10 home page.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend and a lot of QSOs.  I'll probably work 
the full four hours in the FISTS Sprint, whenever conveniently possible 
in PA QSO Party, and whenever I can find the 10 meter band open on 
Monday in the 10-10 Day Contest.


John, K4BAI.

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  • [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests; This Weekend's Contests, John Laney <=