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[SECC] W4AN Nomination

Subject: [SECC] W4AN Nomination
From: halken at (Hal Kennedy)
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 11:56:21 -0400
Okay folks - sounds like we have some momentum here!  Thanks to Jeff for
getting the ball rolling.


I have put in a discrete inquiry to a few of folks to see if I can help
things along on the approval end.


I suggest KU8E and K4BAI work on the letter together - as you live close
together and John sure knows W4AN's history.  When we have a draft we
can circulate it to those interested for additional input.


I have first-class paper and printing here, and I have a copy of the
SECC logo, so club stationary and letterhead is really not a problem.
I'll be glad to print the final letter and send it via USPS, registered;
likely with a backup copy via email in .PDF on the letterhead.  We WILL
make the deadline!


I'd like all the club officers to sign the letter.  Also, I'm open to
suggestions on adding additional signatures - perhaps an attachment






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