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[SECC] W4AN - CQ Contest Hall of Fame

Subject: [SECC] W4AN - CQ Contest Hall of Fame
From: k4sb at (K4SB)
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 17:45:45 +0000
John Laney wrote:
> I second the message of KU8E to nominate W4AN for the CQ Contest Hall of
> Fame.  I am not an officer at this time, so somone else will have to
> send the message.  I am sure we have no SECC letterhead stationery.
I will be glad to try to whip up some stationery. Although I'm also
sure there are members who could do a better job. And I will sign the
application as an officer if needed.

All FULL members are advised that a motion and second have been made.
You have 7 days from the date of this message to vote. Usually, they
go to the VP, but if no one objects, I'll keep the tally. 


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