Pa QSO party score
Station: K4SAV
Operator: K4SAV
Class: SOHP
Time: 17 hrs
BAND CW Qs Ph Qs Mult
3.5 55 7 7
7 107 77 29
14 35 31 28
21 5 1 1
Tot 202 116 66
Score (55x2 + 147x1.5 + 116)x66= 29469
6 K3YTL bonus QSOs
Final score = 29469 + 6x200 = 30669
Couldn't find the last county, Montour (MTR). That was the only thing
that kept me going at the end, but never found it. I gotta get something
up for 160. Lots of stations on 160 and no antenna yet, and that was a
CW double point band. Also need a better 80M antenna.
Anyone know what form they want the log? The website just says send
your log. (No, I'm not going to copy it onto their paper form.)
Jerry, K4SAV