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[SECC] [Fwd: Re: SS Club Competition - Going for the Gavel]

Subject: [SECC] [Fwd: Re: SS Club Competition - Going for the Gavel]
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 09:29:47 -0400
Likely that I'll be part time CW and full time Phone this year in SS.
Not by choice, of course, but I will be out of town Saturday of the CW
SS and will fly home and get on the air long after the contest starts
and will be fatigued after five days on the road.

As always, I will operate on both modes as much as possible, make the
highest score possible, and submit both scores for SECC.  New members
note that the club must be shown exactly like this:  "South East Contest
Club."  If you put down "SECC" or "Southeastern Contest Club" or any
other variation, the computer won't pick it up and count it for us.


John, K4BAI.

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