This is to invoke some discussion about the GQP and not intended as a
proposal nor to usurp the club officers agenda.
I have taken over obtaining and distribution of the GQP contest
plaques from Jay/K4OOG, effective 2006. Since far away dates (April)
have a nasty habit of sneaking up on us, I think some early
discussion should be helpful.
I noted the term 'plaques', but recently received a query about
certificates. It is stated in the GQP rules ( which N4GG is working
on) that "Certificates will be awarded to top scorers from each
Georgia county (possible 159), state (50), Canadian multiplier area
(11), and DXCC country (potentially 300+). This could possibly
require the mailing of some 520+ certificates, world-wide. I
understand we do not get very many DX submissions for the GQP, but
the potential is there as stated in the rules. Discounting DX
submissions, we are obligated to send out, potentially, 220
certificates. Since a certificate should not be folded, we must send
them in large envelopes, which increases the cost. Letter size
envelopes with .34 cent postage would cost about $75.00, if all 220
were to be mailed; larger flat envelopes would probably, at least
double that cost.
We have sponsor's to finance the plaque's. How does the club finance
the distribution of certificates? Who volunteer's for this task?
I am very interested in adding a separate category for CW. However
that simple change would generate a real problem in that it would
increase the number of plaques from it's present 13 plaques, to 22
plaques. Since it's most likely difficult to find sponsors for each
of the 13 plaques, it would probably make the inclusion of a CW only
category and a Phone only category, impractical?
I am also considering proposing (to hopefully increase
interest/participation) that we allow stations to be worked once per
mode, per band. Meaning you can contact K4BAI, both on phone and CW
ten times per contest. The GQP rules state that "Each complete
non-duplicate 'xxxxx' contact is worth 'x' point(s)". However further
into the rules, it states " Stations may be worked once per mode, per
band", which I believe is a contridiction? I believe this latter rule
means that what I am thinking of proposing, is already allowable, but
the former statement makes it NOT allowable?
I mentioned above that N4GG is working on updating the GQP rules. In
my opinion the rules themselves do not require many changes. The
format of the rules really need improvement. By that, I mean, for
example, all of the rules pretraining to the Rover category should be
put under the category of 'Rover' and not be scattered through out
the document. Since the GQP rules are available world-wide, we need
to make them as easy to read as possible.
Tom - W4BQF
Eastern surburbs of Cecil, GA., population 375