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[SECC] SS SSB - Lets go for the Gavel !!

Subject: [SECC] SS SSB - Lets go for the Gavel !!
From: wb4sq at (Gary McConville)
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 10:54:18 -0800 (PST)
I'm in PT...

--- ku8e at wrote:

>    I sure hope that everyone doesn't have the same attitude about SS
> that AA4GA has.  If SECC
>  has a goal they will be shooting for I will be in there contributing
> to reaching it.   If not...then I
>  will watching football this weekend instead of operating in SS.
>    We did very good on CW weekend. If I did the numbers right  -> 2.2
> meg and  22
>  entries. That an average of  100K per entry. If we just had 14
> entries of 100K on SSB 
>  we would equal the last years winning score of the SCCC 3.6 m with
> 36 entries  We have a very 
>  good chance to win the SS medium category gavel. Past history
> indicates we usually have fewer
>  entries on SSB then CW , so we should be OK as far as staying in the
> medium class.  Don't encourage guys to get  on for a few hours just
> for the sake of it to put us in unlimited class. Why shoot for
> mediocrity and last place in the unlimited category ?
>   The SMC and NCCC will be out in numbers because they have bad blood
> between them. Also
>  don't forget the PVRC and FRC. Plus, MRRC and the Minn Wireless have
> a competition going 
>  between them as well.
>   Fast forward to Dayton 2006 and the contest forum. Dan Henderson is
> announcing the winning
>  clubs for the SS Club Competition and handing out the gavels.
> Wouldn't it be cool if he says " Winner
>  of the medium class - The South East Contest Club"  It's great for
> your club to get that recogonition and in front of your contesting
> peers. Isn't this why we belong to a contest club in the first place
> ???
>   I think someone should take another list to see who will be FT and
> who will be just playing around.
>  We need to do this planning if we want to win the gavel....
> 73, Jeff  KU8E
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