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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contest; Contests for the Next Wee

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contest; Contests for the Next Week
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 11:48:30 -0500
Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests:

CQ WW DX Contest, CW

NQ4I    5093  170  650  10,863,360  48    M/M HP    Ops:  NQ4I, W4SVO,
                                                     K2UFT, N4GI, VE7ZO,
                             N4OX, W7FB, KA6SAR,
                             W1MD, K4BAI, AC4CA.
K4TD    1035  124  413   1,500,915  25.65 SOABHP
K4SAV    847  112  377   1,147,683  --    SOAB(A)HP
KU8E     850  112  354   1,053,160  30    SOABHP
K4OGG    689   81  257     622,596  --    SOABLP
W4NTI    445   88  228     360,162  16    SOAB(A)HP
KR4M*    435   86  217     357,843  17    SOABHP    SC
K9MUG    324   69  200     245,597  10    SOAB(A)HP
W4ATL    320   73  191     227,040  14    SOAB(A)HP
W4BQF*   388   46  120     161,020   7    SOAB(A)HP
N4GG     277   55  153     160,160   6    SOABHP    SO2R
AA4LR    266   57  142     142,265  10.1  SOABLP
AE4Y     242   57  157     136,318  --    SOABLP
K4EA     335   29  104     115,500  --    SOSB(80)(A)HP
AA4GA    271   29  109     103,776  15    SOSB(40)(A)LP
KB4ET*   211   45  119      95,448   6+   SOAB(A)LP
K4SB     182   29   90      58,429  --    SOSB(40)HP
K4AQ*    153   38   87      47,250  15.6  SOABQRP   TDY in VA
WA8REI*  146   34   86      43,920  27    SOABQRP
NA4BW     85   38   56      17,296   5    SOABQRP
K4LW      79   27   53      16,640   5    SOABLP
K4PIC     45   10   18       2,576  --    SOSB(160)(A)HP
N4PN                                      SOSB(160)HP  at W8JI

I am sure that other members in addition to N4PN were QRV, but haven't 
posted scores yet.  Paul, I'm sure we are all interested in your score 
from Tom's super QTH.  Please forward me a copy of your report to 3830 
and I'll post it to the SECC reflector.

Over the next week, there are a number of contests.  Here are summaries 
of the ones I think SECC members might be interested in:

1.  QRPARCI Top Band Sprint.  160 CW or SSB.  00Z to 06Z Friday 
(Thursday night local).  Good warm up and test session for ARRL 160 CW 
this weekend.  RST + SPC + QRPARCI member # or power output.  Logs to 
contest at

2.  ARRL 160M CW.  22Z Friday to 16Z Sunday.  RST + ARRL/RAC Section. 
RST only for DX.

3.  TARA RTTY Melee.  00Z to 24Z Sat.  80 - 10 M RTTY.  16 hours max 
with no more than 2 off periods.  RST + SPC and RST + serial # for DX.

4.  New Mexico QSO Party.  CW/SSB.  160-10M.  Sat.  00Z to 2359Z.  RS(T) 
+ NM county or SPC.  List of county abbreviations on website.  I still 
need a QSL from 3 counties in NM.

5.  Adventure Radio Society December Spartan Sprint.  02-04Z Tuesday 
(Monday night local).  QRP 80-10M.  RST + SPC + power output.

I am sure the NCCC will have a practice contest on Thurdaay night 0330 
to 0400Z, Friday UTC.  I think it will be the normal CW Sprint rules 
with working dupes after one intervening QSO, but will post their 
announcement when I receive it.

Note that the QRP guys have Fox Hunts on Tuesday nights (local) on 80 M 
(3560 ? 10 khz) and Thursday nights (local) on 40 M (7040 ? 10 khz). 
These run from 0200 to 0330Z.  There are two foxes QRV each night, in 
widely separated parts of the country.  Theses run through January on 80 
and maybe a bit longer on 40.  Info on the QRP Fox Hunt website.  I will 
be a fox on 80 M once this month and once in January.  These can be fun. 
  Try turning your power back to 5 watts output and giving the Foxes 
more hunters.  I'll post my dates as the time draws nearer.

Have a good week, weekend, and a lot of QSOs.


John, K4BAI.

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