1. North American QSO Party, CW
N4PN 852 215 183,180 SOLP 10 SECC#1
N4GG 844 188 158,672 SOLP 10 SO2R
K4BAI 780 192 149,760 SOLP 10 SECC#1 SO2R
K4NO 710 187 132,770 SOLP 8 SECC#2 SO2R
K4TD 714 148 105,672 SOLP 9.75 SECC#2
KU8E 628 141 93,572 SOLP 10 SECC#1 SO2R
K4EA 543 164 89,052 SOLP 9 SECC#2 Murphy struck!
K5ZM 534 163 87,042 SOLP 9 SECC#2 At W7YAQ
WF4W 300 123 36,900 SOLP 10 SECC#4
NA4BW 312 116 36,192 SOQRP 10 SECC#4
W4NTI 277 127 35,179 SOLP 6 SECC#3
W0AG 286 113 32,318 SOLP 7 SECC#3
AA4GA 214 85 18,190 SOLP ~4 SECC#4
K4OGG 174 78 13,572 SOLP 4 SECC#3
W4ATL 215 61 13,115 SOLP 5 SECC#2 Family emergency
AE4Y 150 73 10,950 SOLP ~3 SECC#4
WX4TM 102 55 5,610 SOLP ?
NE4S 90 34 3,060 M/S ? SO+packet
K9MUG 49 29 1,432 SOLP 1 Recovering from
back surgery
Some who were active have still not reported scores. We could have used
N4GG on a team!
2. NCCC Thursday Night NAQP Practice
K4BAI 35 23 805 SOLP 0.5 SO2R
KU8E 26 18 468 SOLP 0.5 SO1R
3. NCCC Friday Night NAQP Practice
KU8E 30 21 630 SOLP 0.5 SO2R
K4BAI 30 19 570 SOLP 0.5 SO2R
4. Michigan QRP Club Contest
K4BAI 80 42 8,358 5W QRP 8:12 SO2R
5. Flying Pigs CW QRP Club Sprint
K4BAI 36 26 2,288 5W QRP 2.0 SO2R
I missed both 40M QRP Foxes last Thursday night, but got both 80 M QRP
Foxes Tuesday night. K4PIC probably worked them both on Tuesday night
too. Most of that 8 hours in the Michigan QRP club contest was with the
computer on repeat calling CQ on some open band while I did paperwork or
read. Rate is too slow to be enjoyable if that is all you do.
This weekend, there should be something for almost everybody. I don't
have time to summarize all the rules, but here is a sketchy preview.
1. NAQCC 80 Meter QRP Sprint. Wednesday night local, 0130-0330 UTC,
Thursday. 80 M CW only. Exchange: Call, RST, Name, SPC. Double your
score for use of a hand key only and 1 1/2 times score for use of a bug
2. UK DX RTTY Contest. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sunday. 80-10M RTTY.
3. Hungarian DX Contest. CW/SSB/Mixed. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 160-10M.
Work anyone, but multipliers are Hungarian counties and member # of
members of Hungarian DX Club. Exchange: RS(T) + serial # except for
HA/HG stations, who sent RS(T) + county abbreviation (two letters) or
HDXC member #.
4. North American QSO Party, SSB. 18Z Sat to 06Z Sun. Maximum of 10
hours. 160-10 SSB. 100 watts maximum power. Exchange: Name + SPC or
Name only for DX outside NA. Multipliers count per band.
5. ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes. 19Z Sat to 04Z Mon. Exchange: 4
character grid square. I have found 6 meters open some years during
this January contest.
Hope everyone has a good week and weekend and many QSOs with much fun.
John, K4BAI.