Hello all: Sorry to be a bit late with the summaries this week, but I
spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Valdosta. Had the laptop, but can't get
the columns to line up correctly from it.
1. CQ 160, SSB.
KY5R 990 57 20 177,793 ?? SOHP
N4PN 748 56 32 166,144 23 SOHP
K4EA 366 52 20 67,536 10 SOHP
NE4S 467 51 10 64,782 13 MOLP SO + Pkt
K4PK 279 39 5 27,544 16 SOHP
K4BAI 255 39 4 23,951 5.2 SOHP
W4NTI 82 31 3 5,449 4 SOHP
N4GG 34 15 0 1,065 0:29 SOHP
Remember that there is no 175 mile circle for this club competition, so
put down "South East Contest Club" as your club whether you are inside
or outside the circle.
WW4LL 636 161 102,396 12 M/2LP Ops: WW4LL, K4ZJ, K4AQ, WF4W
WX4TM 572 150 85,800 9:45 SOLP
K9MUG 498 144 71,712 10 SOLP
K4EA 392 125 49,000 10 SOLP SO2R
Good to see that K9MUG is feeling well enough to put in a full 10 hours.
Apparently, participation was not up to par in this one. Let's try for
a team or two next time it is run. More teams will help the overall
3. North Carolina QSO Party
Call CQ Q Ph Q Mults Score Time Category
K4BAI 95 56 73 30,011 8:34 SOLP Includes 300 bonus pts
NA4BW 42 31 43 8,184 4 SOQRP
W4NTI 39 15 ?? 4,707 4 SOLP
I got my last four counties needed in NC worked in this one. Lot of
good activity despite the 100 watt limit.
4. UBA CW Contest
K4BAI 88 34 10,302 3:01 SOABHP
5. Mississippi QSO Party
K4BAI 48 26 1,248 4.9 SOHP
6. CQC Winter QRP Sprint
K4BAI 4 4 4 288 0:56 SOABCWQRP
7. HSC Club Contest
K4BAI 1 0 0:01 Check Log. Competitors are
limited to 100 watts, but I put the amp on to work the only HSC station
I could hear, I1BAY, on 20 meters.
The big contest this weekend, is, of course, ARRL DX SSB. It runs the
full 48 hours of Saturday and Sunday. Exchange is RS + state or
province and we receive RS + power from DX stations, including KL7 and KH6.
Also, there are the following contests: QRP Sprint on 20 and 40 CW;
Open Ukranian RTTY Championship, DARC 10M Digital Contest, Adventure
Radio Society March Spartan Sprint on Monday night local time.
Hope everyone has fun and makes a lot of QSOs this weekend.
John, K4BAI.