We have another rover coming to GA - Norm - W3DYA
APPL Appling JFDA Jeff Davis
ATKN Atkinson JEFF Jefferson
BACN Bacon JENK Jenkins
BAKR Baker JOHN Johnson
BALD Baldwin NO5W/m JONE Jones
BANK Banks NO5W/m LAMA Lamar
BARR Barrow LANI Lanier
BART Bartow LAUR Laurens NO5W/m W3DYA/M
BERR Berrien LIBE Liberty
BIBB Bibb NO5W/m LINC Lincoln
BLEC Bleckley W3DYA/M LONG Long
BRAN Brantley LOWN Lowndes KF4GTA
BROK Brooks LUMP Lumpkin
BRYN Bryan W3DYA/M MCDU McDuffie
BULL Bulloch NO5W/m W3DYA/M MCIN McIntosh
BURK Burke MACO Macon
BUTT Butts MADI Madison NO5W/m
CALH Calhoun MARI Marion
CMDN Camden MERI Meriweather W4AN/m, NO5W/m
CAND Candler NO5W/m W3DYA/M MILL Miller KC4HW
CARR Carroll NO5W/m MITC Mitchell
CATO Catoosa NO5W/m MNRO Monroe
CHAR Charlton MONT Montgomery W3DYA/M
CHTM Chatham NO5W/m, KT4ZB MORG Morgan NO5W/m
CHAT Chattahoochee MURR Murray NO5W/m
CHGA Chattooga NO5W/m MUSC Muscogee K4BAI
CHER Cherokee N4GG, K4EA NEWT Newton
CLKE Clarke NO5W/m OCON Oconee NO5W/m
CLAY Clay OGLE Oglethorpe
CLTN Clayton PAUL Paulding
CLCH Clinch PEAC Peach
COFF Coffee PIER Pierce
COLQ Colquitt PIKE Pike W4AN/m
COLU Columbia POLK Polk NO5W/m
COOK Cook PULA Pulaski W3DYA/M
COWE Coweta W4AN/m, NO5W/m PUTN Putnam NO5W/m
CRAW Crawford NO5W/m QUIT Quitman W3DYA/M
CRIS Crisp W3DYA/M RABU Rabun NO5W/m
DADE Dade NO5W/m RAND Randolph W3DYA/M
DAWS Dawson RICH Richmond
DECA Decatur KC4HW ROCK Rockdale
DODG Dodge W3DYA/M SCRE Screven
DOOL Dooly SEMI Seminole KC4HW
DHTY Dougherty SPAL Spalding
DOUG Douglas STEP Stephens NO5W/m
EARL Early KC4HW STWT Stewart
ECHO Echols SUMT Sumter
EFFI Effingham AA4Z TLBT Talbot W4AN/m
ELBE Elbert TALI Taliaferro
EMAN Emanuel NO5W/m W3DYA/M TATT Tattnall W3DYA/M
EVAN Evans NO5W/m W3DYA/M TAYL Taylor NO5W/m
FANN Fannin NE4S, NO5W/m TELF Telfair W3DYA/M
FAYE Fayette TERR Terrell W3DYA/M
FLOY Floyd NO5W/m THOM Thomas
FORS Forsyth TIFT Tift
FRAN Franklin TOOM Toombs W3DYA/M
FULT Fulton AE4Y,WB4SQ TOWN Towns NO5W/m
GILM Gilmer NO5W/m TREU Treutlen NO5W/m W3DYA/M
GLAS Glascock TROU Troup W4AN/m, NO5W/m
GLYN Glynn TURN Turner W3DYA/M
GORD Gordon TWIG Twiggs
GRAD Grady UNIO Union NO5W/m
GREE Greene UPSO Upson W4AN/m, NO5W/m
GWIN Gwinnett WLKR Walker NO5W/m
HABE Habersham NO5W/m WALT Walton
HANC Hancock WARR Warren
HARA Haralson NO5W/m WASH Washington
HARR Harris W4AN/m, KU8E WAYN Wayne
HART Hart WEBS Webster
HEAR Heard W4AN/m, NO5W/m WHEE Wheeler W3DYA/M
HNRY Henry WHIT White N4NX
HOUS Houston W3DYA/M WFLD Whitfield NO5W/m
IRWI Irwin WCOX Wilcox W3DYA/M
JACK Jackson NO5W/m WILK Wilkes
JASP Jasper WKSN Wilkinson NO5W/m
----- Original Message -----
From: <w3dya at juno.com>
To: <ku8e at bellsouth.net>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: GA QSO Party and Rover Routes
> Hi Jeff:
> Attached is your spreadsheet with W3DYA/M added to counties I plan to run
> in the contest. I'll be alone, without a driver, and figured 12 counties
> each day.
> I plan to start in Quitman Saturday and get East to around Montgomery
> county.
> On Sunday I'll continue East to Bryan and then head West on I-16 and 26W
> to Houston.
> I do cover some of the counties NO5W is listed for, and a few that KN4Y
> has on his planned route. He plans to run South of my route down to the
> FL border.
> I don't think I'll get any more done than that, but after Houston I'd
> continue West to Schley then North on Route 19.
> This is my plan; it's hard to tell what might change. I will email you
> if I cancel the trip or change any coverage.
> I've been missing this contest the past couple of years and really look
> forward to trying it again.
> 73, Norm, W3DYA