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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 11:49:41 -0400
CQ WPX CW Contest

WE4OJ   2439  786  4,637,400  34.5  SOABHP     Op:  N4GI
NQ4I    2069  857  4,067,322  36    SOSB20HP   Op:  VE7ZO
NF4A    2226  772  3,823,716  36    SO(TS)ABHP Op:  N4PN
W4BQF   1070  500  1,232,000  --    SO(TS)ABHP
K4BAI   1129  507  1,203,111  17:43 SO(TS)ABHP
NJ4U     652  425  1,054,000  15    SOSB40HP   Op:  K4EA
WF4W     755  440    784,080  25.2  SO(TS)ABHP
W4NTI    549  329    440,531  11    SO(TS)ABHP
AA4LR    500  297    321,651  10.5  SO(TS)ABLP
KU8E     419  269    315,537   8    SO(TS)ABLP
WA8REI   450  283    273,378  31    SOABQRP
NK4A     500  273    241,332   6.9  SO(TS)ABLP Op:  NF4A
NA4BW    400  239    167,539  14:25 SOABQRP
K4LW     284  213    152,508  11    SOABLP
NA4DR    273  181     97,740   6.75 SOABHP     Op:  W4ATL
K4BK     212  182     80,444  24    SOABLP
K4OD     230  159     76,479  26.25 SOABLP
NA4W     342  174     74,124  --    SOSB10LP   Op:  K4WI
NJ8J     326  136     44,336  7     SO(TS)ABLP
KE4KWE    49   44      4,004 24     SOABLP

A nice turn out with good radio conditions.  I'm sure there a few that 
haven't reported scores yet.  Interesting that we had two families of 
brothers participating this time (AA4LR and NJ8J) (K4BK and K4OD). 
Also, welcome to KE4KWE for his first score contribution to the club not 
on his customary mode of RTTY.

I also made QSOs in the NCCC CQ WPX Practice session on Thursday night 
and in the QRPARCI Hoot Owl Sprint Sunday night, but didn't bring the 
claimed scores in to the office today.

This weekend brings a number of contests that should be low pressure and 
fun.  Thursday night local is the usual NCCC NA Sprint Practice Ladder 
30 minute run from 0230 to 0300Z on CW with the usual NA Sprint rules 
but you can work duplicates if each has at least one intervening QSO 
with another session.  The QSY rule is also relaxed to one khz move.

The annual SEANet Contest runs on all modes 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 
Exchange is RS(T) and #.  You can only work SEANet area stations for 
points.  They are generally SouthEast Asia plus Japan, Korea, Australia 
and the south Pacific, Philippines, Guam, Indonesia, etc.

RSGB and Region One of IARU have their annual CW Field Day contests 15Z 
Sat to 15Z Sun.  Exchange RST + #.  Just answer anybody with a /P from 
Europe and give them some points.

The QRPTAC Sprint is Saturday afternoon, 18 to 2359Z.  CW only. Exchange 
RST, Name, State, and Telephone Area Code.  Bonus points for working 
N3EPA.  Sample log sheet available on website.

Monday night local (Tuesday 01 to 03Z) will be the June Spartan Sprint 
CW.  RST + SPC + power.  I just got via e-mail a nice award for second 
place tubby special call for the tenth anniversary contest in May.

Hope to see many of you at the Atlanta hamfest Saturday and especially 
the SECC meeting in the bleachers at 11 AM, if I actually get there. 
Also hope you all have fun and many QSOs on the air this weekend.  If 
you haven't been on lately, you have missed some really good conditions.

I worked my first Korea station (DS5USH) on 17 meters last night on the 
first call.  It was a special thrill since I was HL9KQ in Korea in 
1968-69.  Only later did I discover that I had worked Nam and three 
others on 17 meters using my zepp antenna with the antenna tuner tuned 
for 40 meters!


John, K4BAI.

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