As 2006 enters the history books, we all look forward to a few more
sunspots and a few less geomagnetic storms in 2007.
Our club, by necessity, needs to go through a few changes as we enter
the new year. Our members and friends in Alabama have now gotten the
Alabama Contest Group up and running, including accreditation by the
ARRL. We wish them the best and every success. Where we can still join
and team together - such as for Sprints - we look forward to staying
with the concept of a "Southern" or "Southeastern" contest consortium
and continuing the tradition Bill Fisher helped begin.
As for changes, I have asked our SECC VP Brian, NA4BW, to begin setting
up NAQP teams in 2007. The next round of NAQPs are around the corner,
so look for email from Brian shortly about setting up our teams - AND,
join one if you possibly can. The NAQP continues to be a great contest
- full participation only takes 10 of 12 hours, and it's a great place
for beginners or experts. Part-timers are as welcome as full timers.
There are NAQPs for CW, SSB and RTTY - something for everybody. As
Jeff, KU8E, has been doing in the past (TNX Jeff), Brian will be asking
for FT or PT (full time or part time) participants and building teams
around the responses he gets.
Now that the ACG is a reality, it is time to look at shifting the
location of the SECC circle for ARRL affiliated club participation. I
am looking for a FEW volunteers to tackle the analysis required to get
our circle re-centered to maximize SECC scores and be as inclusive as
possible of contesters in the southeast. If you would like to
participate (participation means helping with the fair amount of work
involved) please email me directly. The group that's formed will make a
recommendation to the full club via this reflector where it will be
voted on.
Unfortunately, I will not be near the rig for the Stew Perry or SKN
events - but the email is working FB.
Best 73 and HNY,