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[SECC] GQP Prizes

Subject: [SECC] GQP Prizes
From: ku8e at (ku8e at
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2007 8:47:53 -0500
  Do you guys think it might be worthwhile to sponsor some type of award for 
the top GA stations
  as well like we are doing with out-of state with the Lane Packing prizes ? 
Maybe a prize for the
  top 5 GA stations who work the most multipliers.  122 is the MAX for an in 
state station. Maybe we 
  can add the GA counties they work to that total, even they aren't counted in 
the official contest rules.

  The whole idea around this is to reward active stations who get on. Lane 
Packing has some inexpensive gifts like candies and nuts that are under $10. 
Last I heard K4OD, K4BAI and myself
were the only one's sponsoring the out-of-state prize. Anyone else want to 
maybe help out with a possible in-state prize. It will be no work for you. K4OD 
is doing the arrangements with Lane.. We just need the  $$ donation to do it...


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