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[SECC] the adventures of winning the HPM award

Subject: [SECC] the adventures of winning the HPM award
From: at (Greg Davis)
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:05:57 -0400
Hello everyone,

I just thought you guys might find it interesting to hear about the
adventures I have been having that relate to winning the Hiram Percy
Maxim award.

A couple of weeks ago our local newspaper called to interview me about
ham radio and winning the award. The story ran last Monday on the
front page of the paper. Wednesday morning at school the principal
called me down to the office and she gave me a laminated copy of the
article and told me how it made the school look good. Then, on Friday
she called me down again and informed me that I have been invited to
be recognized at the next State Board of Education meeting and that I
will be excused from school that day.

The other big thing is that Boy's Life magazine interviewed me and the
winner of the Young Ham of the Year award yesterday and will be
running a story about us sometime soon since we are both Eagle Scouts
and both of our projects dealt with installing antennas at emergency

Anyway, that is the nice short version of what has been going on
lately... here is a link to the newspaper article:

I've had a lot of school work lately and with all of this other stuff
going on, I haven't had much time to get on the air lately, but I'm
planning ahead and hoping to put up a decent effort in the CWSS.

I hope to bump into everyone on the air sometime soon,

73 de Greg N3ZL

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