Hello all:
N4GG, K1ZZI, and I had a nice trip to SEDCO last weekend, but we missed
out on the weekend's contests. There were others there from GA, as well
as from other states and former Georgian, W6OAT (formerly K4BVD), was in
attendance as well I hope many of us can attend this fine DX and
contesting event next year.
Last Weekend's Contests and claimed scores so far:
1. CQ WW RTTY DX Contest
Call QSOs St DXCC Z Score Category Time State Notes
KR7X 1726 167 145 83 1,103,235 M/2 HP 48 WA At
K7ZSD, 8 ops including KR7X
K4TD 1187 136 159 76 924,532 SOABHP 27 AL
N4KG 580 115 130 59 327,408 SOAB(A)HP 20 AL
WW4LL 1035 55 78 25 318,528 SOSB40HP 40 GA
W4UK 627 119 57 91 251,781 SOABHP 19 SC
N4CBK 485 102 106 49 219,992 SOABLP ? AL
K4HAL 400 93 83 49 162,450 SOABLP 13 AL
AA4V 358 100 79 48 144,372 SO(A)ABHP 6.5 SC
AI4MT 350 92 86 51 132,591 SOABLP 20 SC
W4NTI 246 35 64 49 71,484 SOABHP 12 AL
KY5R 177 15 89 44 70,448 SOABLP 10 AL
WA1FCN 411 50 40 18 63,288 SO(A)SB40LP ? AL
AA4LR 147 43 68 39 46,950 SOABHP 4.6 GA
K4EA 177 31 39 21 31,941 SOSB15HP 21 GA
K9MUG 123 43 33 22 20,910 SOSB80HP 4 AL
KE4KWE 81 42 21 21 10,248 SOABLP 2 AL
2. Texas QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q Mult Score Category Time State Notes
N4PN 216 324 180 246,240 SOHP 15 GA
N4JF 215 101 151 144,397 SOQRP 18 AL
K2SX 139 0 94 42,196 SOCWHP ? SC
K4BK 130 11 79 36,548 SOLP 12.25 FL
K4ZGB 62 69 81 26,744 SOLP 6:45 AL
W4XO 42 25 52 9,152 SOLP 5 GA
3. October Spartan QRP Sprint
K4BAI 25 25 SOQRP 5W 1:57 GA Tubby
This week brings the following contests, among others:
1. NCCC CQP Practice Sessions. Thursday and Friday nights local,
0230-0259Z Fri and Sat. CQP rules. Check out your station and software
before the big QSO party begins Saturday.
2. TARA PSK Rumble. 00-24Z Sat. 160-6M PSK. Exchange: Name +
Country + Call Area for W/VE/JA/VK.
3. LOTW Contest. 0000-2359Z Sat. 160-10M SSB. Exchange: RST + SPC.
4. Oceania DX Contest, Phone. 08Z Sat to 08Z Sun. Exchange: RS +
serial #.
5. Calif QSO Party. 16Z Sat 2159Z Sun. 24 hours maximum. 15 minute
minimum off time. 160-2M CW/Ph. Exchange: Serial # + SPC or Calif
County. Official county abbreviations on webpage. Club aggregate score
competition based on ARRL (175 mile diameter) circle. SECC has come in
second to TCG or CCO in the past. Shall we see whether ACG or SCC can
win it this time? Nice prizes for top winners. Be sure to show your
club affiliation in your entry.
6. European Autumn Sprint, SSB. 16-1959Z Sat. 80-20M SSB. Work only
Eu. Exchange: Both calls, #, name. Special QSY rule.
7. RSGB 21, 28 mHz Contest. 7-19Z Sunday. 15 + 10M CW/SSB. Exchange:
RS(T) + Serial # (+ UK District Code). Let's hope they have some
propagation on thes high bands!
Hope everyone has a nice weekend and a lot of QSOs. 73, John, K4BAI.