Made some antenna changes here. For 10/15/20 I have an
A4S at 25 ft and also a 40/80 top loaded vertical on a
10 ft section of Rohn 25 just above the carports.
Both are at the end of about 220 ft of 9913. Also for
the last 10 months or so have had a 3 ele 20 at 48 ft
with about 100 ft of 9913. Took down the monobander
and now have a Skyhawk at 54 ft. Quite a difference
over the A4S. Now all I need are some sunspots to
open the high bands. Anyone looking for a LJ203?
Going to load the tower but haven't made it that
far yet. Had a K9AY loop up but too close to the
aluminum siding on the house so looking to
relocate it. Should be able to get it up
temporarily this weekend.
At the end of last year I put a tuner at the other
end of that long coax run and really seemed to
help the feed line loss when not at resonance on
the vertical. Getting many more q's and mults.
> It would be interesting to hear what's going on with everyone else.....