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[SECC] The peach state?

Subject: [SECC] The peach state?
From: wb4sq at (Gary McConville)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 14:34:10 -0700 (PDT)
Yeah... right!  Try to get a peach from Georgia.  Most of the local
ones come from SC.  I always believed that peaches referred to the
sweet southern gals from here.

--- K4SAV <RadioIR at> wrote:

> I thought Lee's comment of being in the "pit of the peach state" was 
> cute, and then I realized I didn't know what the official fruit of
> the 
> state of Alabama is, so I looked it up.  It is a peach.  WHAT??? 
> Yeah, 
> we grow some good peaches, but everyone knows that Georgia is the 
> "official" peach state (whether they are better than Alabama peaches
> is 
> a matter of debate).  Seems like that happened in 2006.  It was 
> previously a blackberry.   Yeah we grow a lot of those too.  They are
> all over the place, my property is full of them, but they aren't much
> of 
> a crop.  Earlier until 1982 it was a pecan.  Seems I remember
> something 
> about Georgia being able to grow a few pecans too.  I guess we can't 
> decide.
> Alabama has always been know as the cotton state.  Why?  I don't
> know.  
> We produce a lot of cotton but there are 8 or 10 other states that 
> produce more, including Georgia.
> Also interesting is that the official fruit of Rhode Island is also a
> peach.  Rhode Island?  Where would they put the trees?
> South Carolina which is #2 on the peach production list, does claim
> the 
> peach as the state fruit, but the state is known as "The Palmetto 
> state", "The Rice State", "The Swamp State", "The Iodine State", and
> a 
> few others.  They are all confused.
> California which grows more peaches than South Carolina, Georgia, or 
> Alabama, decided to not get into the argument and has no official 
> fruit.  Unofficially, I heard they have a whole city full of them.
> Jerry, K4SAV
> still in the briar patch
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