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[SECC] Recent SECC Members - Welcome !

Subject: [SECC] Recent SECC Members - Welcome !
From: aa4lr at (Bill Coleman)
Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2008 20:51:20 -0400
Please join me in welcoming some of our recent new members to the
South East Contest Club:

* Larry Smith, N4FD, (St. Simons Island, GA) -- Larry joined in  
January, and St. Simons is now in the circle. Welcome!

* Grant Bright, W4OJC, (Alpharetta, GA) -- Grant joined in February.  
Grant's favorite contests are WPX, RTTY Round-up, 160 CW, but he likes  
90% of contests -- if only he had time to fully participate. (I hear,  
ya, Grant)

* John Colyard, W4IK, formerly N4EJV and AE4SW (Wellford, SC) -- John  
joined in July. His favorites include CQWW, ARRL DX, 10m and 160m  
contests, but he enjoys any contest he is available to work.

* Brian Jett, NN4P, formerly KE4VIZ, KS4WJ, and AI4IT (Lexington, KY)  
-- John joined in July. He's a bit outside the circle in Kentucky,  
but, welcome!

* Michael Almeter, W4MJA, formerly KI4MIU (Marietta, GA) -- Michael  
joined in August. He didn't list any favorite contests, so we'll  
assume he likes them all.

Gentlemen, if you haven't already done so, please go to http:// and join our e-mail
reflector. There we have a perpetual, daily meeting on contests and
contest-related topics.

The SECC Web roster has already been updated with these new members.
(Thanks, Bobby)

This is my last posting as SECC secretary. I've held the office since  
2001, so it's been a good seven years. Please support Lee WI4R as he  
takes over this role.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
           -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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