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[SECC] Announcment, PA QSO Party

Subject: [SECC] Announcment, PA QSO Party
From: k4bai at (John T. Laney III)
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2008 21:35:58 -0400
Hello all,

The 51st annual Pennsylvania QSO Party is happening on October 11 and  
12, 2008. Pennsylvania Amateurs work North America and the world,  
North America and the world works Pennsylvania Amateurs.

Certificates for highest scores from Pennsylvania Counties, ARRL and  
Canadian Sections, and HIghest DX score. Trophies for various  
categories. (see website)

Modes are CW, SSB/FM, PSK, and RTTY.

A new addition to the Trophies this year is the Beacon award, which is  
awarded to a legally blind Op with the highest number of QSOs. The Op  
can be either single Op or part of a multi-op station. To be  
considered, let us know of your intentions along with your summary  

The sponsor for the beacon award is Woody Brem, K3YV. Woody is a past  
chairman of the PAQSO Party.

This is a very late addition to the party, but when the suggestion was  
made, I thought it too good to pass up. I will be modifying the on- 
line summary sheets posthaste to incorporate a checkbox for the award.  
And if anyone knows of any Hams who might be interested in  
participating for the award, please pass this along to them.

PAQSO Party Website

-73 de Mike N3LI -

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