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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests; This Week's Contests

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests; This Week's Contests
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 14:29:57 -0400
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  October Weekday SKCC Sprint (SKS):
K4ZGB  45  22  1,125  SOLP  2.0  AL

2.  NCCC NA Sprint Practice, 10/23/08
N4OGW  56  23  1,288  SOLP  0.5  MS

3.  CQ World Wide DX Contest, SSB
Call    QSO  Zon  DXC  Score      Category  Time  State  Notes
NQ4I   4466  152  565  7,911,378  M/M HP    48    GA     Ops:
K4SSU  1738  120  330  1,995,300  SOABHP    40    GA  By NA4BW
K4AB   1198  115  368  1,586,655  SOABHP    40    AL
NN4F    812  124  343  1,054,092  SOAB(A)HP 24    SC
N4KG    762  107  349    942,096  SOAB(A)HP 26    AL
KT4ZB   908   82  263    853,875  SOAB(A)HP __    GA
N4PN   1358   31  119    512,550  SOSB/40HP 34    GA
NF4A    510   84  236    435,840  SOAB(A)HP 14.5  FL
K4EA    804   32  113    314,650  SOSB/15HP 21    GA
KR4F    405   76  221    314,523  SOAB(A)HP 19    AL
AK4I    433   65  182    279,357  SOAB(A)HP 27    GA
K4PHE   422   58  184    278,300  SOABHP    __    GA
W4RJ    302   67  157    184,800  SOABHP    10    AL
K4OD    293   65  150    165,980  SOABLP    24    GA
WA1FCN  403   26   95    136,972  SOSB/20LP __    AL
WW4LL   493   27   94    121,968  SOSB/80HP __    GA  At W8JI
WX4TM   220   45  100     83,385  SOABLP    __    AL
WX4MM   215   37   95     76,560  SOABLP    __    AL
K4LY    169   23   78     46,966  SOSB/20LP  8    SC
K4WP    143   38  104     45,012  SOAB(A)HP  6.5  GA
KE4UW   115   27   88     43,335  SOAB(A)HP __    GA
NV4B    110   45   81     36,288  SOABLP     4.4  AL
KU8E    122   20   65     28,815  SOSB/40HP 10    GA
K4ZGB    72   14   37      9,996  SOSB/80HP  6    AL
K4WI     59    9   12      3,381  SOSB/10HP 20    AL
NA4W     27    9   17      1,508  SOSB/160LP 10   AL  By K4WI

TI1R was also QRV with mostly SECC members, but I haven't seen a claimed 
score yet.  Bob, please post to the reflector so everyone can see the 
score and the breakdowns.  Others were no doubt QRV, but these are all I 
have found at this time.

This Week's Contests:

1.  NCCC sponsored SS CW Practice Sessions:  160-40M Thursday and Friday 
nights local (Fri and Sat 0230 to 0300Z).  Usual SS rules and exchange. 
  Good idea to get on for one of these to make sure everything is ready 
for CW SS on Saturday.  Report your scores to the 3830 Score Reporting 

2.  Ukrainian DX Contest.  CW and SSB.  12Z Sat to 12Z Sun.  160-10M. 
Exchange:  RS(T) + serial # or 2 letter oblast abbreviation.

3.  ARRL SS CW.  21Z Sat to 03Z Sun.  Note that the local time is one 
hour later than we have been accustomed to in most prior years.  Times 
are 5 PM EDT Sat to 11 PM EDT Sun, since we haven't yet switched back to 
standard time.  24 hour max.  30 min. minimum off times.  Exchange: 
Serial #, Precedence (most of us will be A, B, or Q depending on 
power--respectively LP, HP, and QRP), Call, last two digits of year 
first licensed, and ARRL section.  Hope everyone can enter and 
contribute to club aggregate scores.  Remember that SECC has won the 
medium club gavel twice.  The aggregate scores count both the CW and SSB 

4.  Adventure Radio Society November Spartan Sprint.  0100-0300Z Tuesday 
(Mon night local).  160-10M CW QRP 5W or less.  Exchange:  RST + SPC + 
power output.  This contest is again reporting scores and I hope will 
again be very popular.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend and a lot of QSOs.  I will probably 
operate some in the Ukrainian contest before SS starts.  Hopefully, I 
can make some arrangements to avoid conflicts and can be fulltime in SS 
CW.  SO1R again, but I hope to have the SO2R setup going again (for CW 
at least) soon.  I should be full time in the Spartan Sprint and I hope 
others will join in that fun event.  Just use your logging program in 
the QRP contest mode and your score is submitted on the honor system.

73,  John, K4BAI.

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