Unfortunately, when I wrote my weekly preview of contests last week, I
overlooked two Sprints scheduled for this week. The monthly Flying Pigs
QRP Run for the Bacon was Sunday night local time. So, it is too late
to notify you of that one. However, there is another scheduled for
Tuesday night. K4ZGB and I are often QRV in these events, sponsored by
the Straight Key Century Club. Tuesday night local (Wednesday UTC
00-0200 UTC). 160-6M CW. Use only a mechanical key (hand key,
sideswiper, bug). Note a change in the exchange: RST (do not use cut
numbers, meaning do not send "5NN or ENN, but spell out 599 and use
"real reports"), S/P/C, Name, SKCC# or power. Suggested frequencies
are: 1820, 3550, 7055, 7114 (count as separate bands), 14050, 21050,
28050, 50,090. That means that you can work the same station twice on
40M, once below 7100 and once between 7100 and 7125. Most activity up
there seems to be between 7110 and 7115. There are some strong foreign
BC stations up there still. Spotting networks not permitted. I will
not likely be able to participate in this one, so I hope some other GA
station with a hand key or bug will give out the GA mults.
Also, there is Tuesday Night the usual 80M QRP Fox Hunt, 3550 to 3570
kHz from 0200 to 0330 UTC Wednesday. One of the Foxes will be WC7S,
Dale, in WY, so this will be a good opportunity for WY on 80M. Exchange
is RST, SPC, Name, and power and you must run no more than 5 watts.
Work only the two foxes.
John, K4BAI.