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[SECC] Walton County GA QSO Party Speaker Needed

Subject: [SECC] Walton County GA QSO Party Speaker Needed
From: w2wg at (Robert Carroll)
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 16:04:10 -0500
I have received a request to find a volunteer who would be willing to
present a program on the QSO party at the Walton County club meeting on
March 16  in Loganville.  That club was responsible for a big Walton County
turnout for last year's party.    If you happened to hear the QSO party
presentation at the SEDXC last year, it combined HF mobiling, past QSO
parties and the 2008 party.  Quite a bit of that information might be
useful.  Please contact me if you would be willing to present a program.



Bob W2WG

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