Hi folks,
I pick mid-week to do GQP blurbs because last weekend's contest scores and
current DX info are usually at a low rate.
So, what's new?
Well, we have a new award category being offered.
You will see a MM Low Power award on the list.
This is to recognize those good folks who activate a MM "LP" station.
These folks tend to be clubs, county clubs, or groups, who set up a site like a
field day operation in their local area.
Since these operations are ad hoc, impromptu, or "on the fly", they are
probably low power, and may be from a public site.
Good for them! Bravo! We need to give them kudos apart from the HP set.
I personally think rover runs!, and club activity like this!, may be the keys
to getting all 159 counties activated.
Go to your local club meeting, show the slide show, hand out the flyer, and get
them on the air.
Remember, SECC and SEDXC are not eligible for club awards, so you may
contribute your effort to your local club.
Tune it up, send your plans to Jeff, get ready, go for it.
TNX, 73
Mike, NE4S
Please use ne4s at iham.us or mike1230 at mcnet.us as my address.
GQP, the fastest growing QSO party, is on 4/11+12 2009.
See gqp.contesting.com !
Be well
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