This weekend is the California QSO Party, a very popular contest that is
a lot of fun to operate. There is a club composite score competition.
SECC has come in second to TCG and/or CCO several times. Note that the
rules adopt the ARRL Club definitions, so to submit a score for a club
you must live and operate within 175 miles of the center point of a
circle for the club (unless your club adopts the geographical boundaries
of an ARRL section, which SECC and ACG have not). Both SECC and ACG have
circle maps on the home pages. Be sure to show your club in the header
of your Cabrillo file exactly as follows: "South East Contest Club" or
"Alabama Contest Group." If you use abbreviations or other alternate
spellings, credit may not be given or you may cause problems for the
organizers in recognizing which club to credit for your score.
Have fun and don't forget the practice sessions tonight and Friday
night. 73, John, K4BAI.