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[SECC] Revised Rule for NAQP

Subject: [SECC] Revised Rule for NAQP
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 11:03:43 -0500
This rule replaces a rule that you may find in print for NAQP contests 
in January.

Due to QRM from the RTTY Round Up at the same time as NAQP CW, I am 
suggesting that CW ops go lower in the band on 40M than they usually do 
and also suggesting (particularly for General Class operators) that 
consideration be given to using 7100 to 7125 when the QRM from RTTY 
stations prevents CW QSOs lower in the General class band.

73, John, K4BAI.

Although the nature of contesting has been one of technological advances 
over the years that have increased scoring opportunities, it's evident 
from the postings on this list that the contesting community is not 
ready to adopt CW Skimmer-like technologies in the single-op category at 
this time. For this reason and the fact that the CW NAQP contest will be 
used as part of the team selection criteria for WRTC 2014 starting in 
2011, we've returned the single-op criteria to the pre-2009 definition 
that prohibits the use of automated tools. The rules on the NCJ web site 
have been updated to reflect this change.

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at
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