Greetings to all from Barnesville, GA. Tom discovered lightning damage
while getting the station ready for an all-band mixed mode effort this
weekend. He spent a lot of time getting everything ship shape for me to
use tomorrow. The NW 80M antenna is not available, but everything else is.
I will be using our SECC club call, W4AN. Fred, WW4LL, will have a
group operating M/S at his QTH. Hope many others of you will be QRV.
The contest runs 12Z (8 AM EDT) Sat to 12Z Sunday. The exchange is
RS(T) and ITU zone (08 for us). HQ stations will send the HQ
abbreviation such as "ARRL." There are also mults for certain IARU
officials, who will identify themselves as AC, R1, R2, or R3. You can
work everyone, but more points are earned for stations in other zones
and on other continents. Mults count once per band, not per band and mode.
15M has had some good openings lately. Ten meters has been open to
Europe. I worked 4O3A on 10M CW at about 1330Z today with my tribander
from home. So, get on CW and or SSB to the extent you have time, have
fun, and be sure to work each other. Report your score to 3830 and or
to our reflector. Send in your log and show your club as "South East
Contest Club."
Use of spots or RBN will result in a multi op classification. Show that
as +PKT to make it simple.
This is a qualifying event for WRTC 2014 in New England so expect to
hear the world's best ops on any open band. Erik, N5WR from Chattanooga
will be QRV from PJ4C on Bonaire, so that new DXCC entity will be
available on all or most bands.
73, John, K4BAI.