1. NCCC NS Ladder 8/5/11
N4OGW 53 34 1,802 SOLP .5 MS ACG
W4NZ 40 34 1,360 SOLP .5 TN TCG SO2R
K1GU 40 32 1,280 SOLP .5 TN TCG
K4BAI 42 27 1,134 SOLP .5 GA SECC
W4AU 31 23 713 SOLP .5 VA PVRC
2. NCJ NAQP CW Practice
K4BAI 48 34 1,632 SOLP .5 GA SECC
3. ARRL UHF Contest
K4LY 61 45 2,745 SOLP 12 SC CDXA
4. North American QRP CW Club August SK/Bug Sprint
K4BAI 50 27 5,184 SOQRP 2.0 GA SECC
K4JPN 9 9 324 SOQRP GA
Note: Welcome to Andy, KD4UKW, SECC's newest member.
5. CWOps Club, CWT Mini Test, 1300Z 8/10/11
W4NZ 56 40 2,240 SOHP 1.0 TN TCG
K4BAI 45 34 1,530 SOHP 0:33 GA SECC
6. NCJ North American QSO Party, CW, August 2011
N4OGW 845 221 186,745 SOLP 9 MS ACG ACG#1 SO2R
N4PN 810 229 185,490 SOLP 9.5 GA SECC SECC#1
W4NZ 749 201 150,549 SOLP 10 TN TCG TCG#1 SO2R
W4AN 697 214* 149,158 SOLP 10 GA SECC SECC#1 By K4BAI at
K1ZZI 706 205 144,730 SOLP 9.1 GA SECC SECC#3
W4AU 681 184 125,304 SOLP 10 VA PVRC SECC#1
K1GU 609 198 120,582 SOLP 9.8 TN TCG TCG#2
K4IQJ 471 194 110,774 SOLP 10 AL ACG ACG#1
WA1FCN 550 157 86,350 SOLP 9 AL ACG ACG#1
N4XL 504 159* 80,136 SOLP 10 SC SECC SECC#3
N4OX 500 154 77,000 SOLP 7.3 FL ACG ACG#1
W4BQF 544 141* 76,704 SOLP 6.3 GA
K0EJ 495 154 76,230 SOLP 6 TN TCG
WF4W 451 151* 68,101 SOLP 10 GA SECC SECC#2
NN4MM 489 139 67,971 SOLP __ AL ACG ACG#1 By K9MUG
KU8E 400 151 60,400 SOLP 5:45 GA SECC SECC
N4NM 402 144* 57,888 SOLP 8.25 AL ACG ACG#2
N4UC 419 135 56,565 SOLP 7.2 AL ACG
W4UCZ 324 142 46,008 SOLP 10 GA SECC SECC#2
K4ZGB 400 107 42,800 SOLP 6:50 AL ACG ACG#2
W4SVO 342 125 42,750 SOLP 6 FL SECC SECC#2
KN4QD 300 134 40,200 SOLP 6 SC SECC SECC#1
K4HAL 287 96* 27,552 SOLP 6 AL ACG
AE4O 205 104* 27,320 SOLP 4:32 GA SECC
W4QO 225 103 23,175 SOQRP 4.9 GA SECC
W1BO 142 79 11,218 SOLP 5 AL SECC SECC#2
K3IE 151 71* 10,721 SOLP 3 AL ACG ACG#2
AK4I 145 69* 10,005 SOLP 9.25 GA SECC
W4BW 123 68 8,364 SOLP 3 GA SECC
KB4KBS 126 60 7,560 M/2LP 5.5 GA SECC +PKT
W4DD 84 59 4,956 SOLP 2.5 GA SECC SECC#2
N2WF 44 31 1,364 SOLP 1.5 GA SECC
*These stations, including myself, under reported our multipliers to
3830 because the N1MM summary confused us. We reported only the VE/W
multipliers, having failed to add the NA country multipliers to the VE/W
total. I have corrected the mult totals to increase them to account for
the NA country mults worked.
Team Scores:
N4PN 185,490
W4AN by K4BAI at WW4LL 149,158
W4AU 125,304
KU8E 60,400
KN4QD 40,200
Total 560,552
N4OGW 186,745
K4IQJ 110,774
WA1FCN 86,350
N4OX 77,000
NN4MM by K9MUG 67,971
Total 528,840
K1ZZI 144,730
N4XL 80,136
W5JR ?
Total 224,866 + W5JR
WF4W 68,101
W4UCZ 46,008
W4SVO 42,750
W1BO 11,218
W4DD 4,956
Total 173,033
N4NM 57,888
K4ZGB 42,800
K3IE 10,721
Total 111,409 + K0TEX
Remember that Aug 20/21 will be NAQP SSB. For SECC Teams, I have so
far: N4PN, W4SVO, W4AN by W1BO, and KB4KBS. We need one more for one
full team, but I'd like to see us have several. For a SECC team, please
let me know ASAP. For an ACG team, contact WA1FCN.
This week's Contests:
1. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test. 0300Z Thursday, Wednesday, tonight,
local. One hour. 20, 40, 80M CW. Exchange: Name, CWOps# or
State/Province/Country. Look for activity around 028 on each band.
2. QRP CW Fox Hunt. Thursday local, 0200-0230Z Friday. 14050 to
14070. Two foxes will be QRV. Maximum power 5W. Exchange: RST, SPC,
Name, Power. Work only the two foxes.
3. NCCC SNS and NS Ladder. SNS slow speed practice. 0200-0220Z Friday
(Thursday local). 100W maximum power. 18 WPM maximum speed. One kHz
QSY rule. 80-15M. Exchange: both calls, #, Name, SPC. Start on the
highest band and move down the bands. 0230-0259Z. NS Ladder. Same
rules except no speed limit and add 160M band. Remember that mults
count per band.
4. DARC Worked All Europe DX Contest, CW. 48 hours of weekend UTC.
80-10M CW. 36 hours maximum for single ops with no more than 3 off
periods. Exchange: RST + Serial #. You can send up to 10 QTC to each
station. QTC consists of time, call, and # received from previous
contacts. You cannot send a QTC to the same station you worked in the
QTC even on different bands. You can send multiple QTCs to the same
station regardless of band until you send a total to each station. Work
only stations in Europe.
5. Maryland-District of Columbia QSO Party. 16Z Sat to 04Z Sun and
16-24Z Sun. 160 - 432 CW/Phone/Digital (except no operation on 222
mHz). Exchange: Class + MD county or DC or Baltimore City. Classes:
Standard, Mobile, Club, QRP. Bonus points for QSO with W3VPR or KI3DS.
A summary sheet is required. You can get the summary sheet from the
sponsoring club's webpage: http://mdcqsoparty.w3vpr.org.
6. Straight Key Century Club Week End Sprintathon (WES). 24 hours of
Sunday UTC. 160-6M CW. Exchange: RST + SPC + Name + SKCC# or power.
Use a mechanical key (hand key, bug, sideswiper, cootie, etc.). Look
for activity up 50 kHz on 80, 20, 15, and 10 and around 7055 on 40M.
There may also be some 40M CW activity around 7114 kHz.
No scheduled weekday activities before Thursday of next week.
Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend. 73, John, K4BAI.