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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contest, SECC Attributed Scores

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contest, SECC Attributed Scores
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2011 13:15:02 -0400
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  NCCC NS Sprint (QRP) 10/28/11
K4BAI   22  16  352  SOQRP  0.5  GA  SECC

2.  October 2010 NAQCC Straight Key/Bug Sprint  (These are final scores 
after log checking.)
K2UFT  37  18  1,890  SOQRP/bug  GA  SECC
AA4GA   3   3     36  SOQRP/sk   GA  SECC

3. CQ World Wide DX Contest, SSB
Call    QSO  DXC  Zon  Score       Category  Hr  St  Club  Misc
NQ4I   7403  695  191  16,555,796  M/M HP    48    GA  SECC  Ops: AA4LR, 
TI8M   5884  434  144   7,630,178  M/2 HP    46.5  TI  SECC  Ops: 
WW4LL  3105  604  177   6,702,542  M/S HP    48    GA  SECC  Ops: K9MUG, 
K1ZZI  2013  510  153   3,859,323  SOAB(A)HP 30.1  GA  SECC
K4SSU  2209  408  152   3,465,280  SO AB HP  40    GA  SECC
KT4ZB  1496  410  135   2,323,880  SOAB(A)LP 36    GA  SECC
KE4UW  1244  443  135   2,024,724  SOAB(A)HP 30    GA  SECC
N4PN   1986  148   40   1,032,120  SOSB/15HP 29    GA  SECC
N4LR    683  295  101     782,892  SOAB(A)HP 16    GA  SECC
AK4I    605  233   92     561,925  SOAB(A)HP 16.25 GA  SECC
KJ4EX   562  255   93     560,628  SO AB LP  22    GA  SECC
WB4SQ   362  156  100     288,000  SO AB HP  12    GA  SECC
N4GG    367  187   66     266,662  SOAB(A)HP  7    GA  SECC  SO2R
N4DU    369  174   82     258,648  SO AB HP   8.5  GA  SECC
K4DLI   284  169   60     177,704  SOAB(A)HP  9:17 GA  SECC
N4VDL   313  139   59     173,250  SO AB LP  12.5  GA  SECC
K4PHE   280  141   53     154,618  SO AB HP   _    GA  SECC
NJ8J    359   80   38      42,362  SO AB LP   9:10 GA  SECC
NN4F    145   73   29      40,902  SOSB/20HP  5    SC  SECC

This Week's Contests:

1.  SNS and NS Sprint Thursday night local.  SNS 0200-0220Z, max speed 
26 WPM, One kHz QSY rule.  20, 40, 80M CW.  100W max power. Not sure of 
the exchange this week.  Will forward any announcement to the 
reflectors.  Let's assume it will be the same as for NS:  both calls, #, 
first call (instead of name), SPC.  If they don't adopt the "first 
call," they will send "name" as usual.

NS 0230-0259Z Friday (Thurs night local).  20, 40, 80, 160M CW.  100W 
maximum power.  One kHz QSY rule.  Special exchange for this week:  both 
calls, #, first call, SPC.

2.  ARRL SS CW Practice. Friday night local.  0230-0300Z Friday.  Use 
usual ARRL SS rules.  Look around 040 on each band except around 1815 on 

3.  Ukranian DX Contest.  12Z Sat to 12Z Sun.  160-10M CW, SSB. 
Exchange:  RS(T) + Ukr Oblast Abbreviation or serial #.

4.  ARRL Sweepstakes CW.  21Z Sat to 03Z Sun.  (Note local time changes 
to standard time on Sunday morning so local times are 5PM Sat to 10 PM 
Sun.)  24 hour maximum with 30 minute minimum off periods.  Exchange: #, 
Precedence (A, B, M, Q, S, U),Call, Check (last two digits of year first 
licensed), ARRL or RAC section.  QSO each station once per contest, not 
once per band.  Club aggregate score competition.  Please get on in the 
contest and contribute what you can to your club's score.

5.  High Speed Club (HSC) CW Contest.  Sunday 09-11Z; 15-17Z.  80-10M 
CW.  Exchange:  RST + HSC# or "NM."

6.  DARC 10M Digital Contest.  11-17Z Sunday.  10M Digital (except CW). 
  Exchange:  RST + Serial #.

7.  Adventure Radio Society November Spartan Sprint.  Monday night 
local.  02-04Z Tuesday.  80-10M CW.  Exchange:  RST + SPC + power.

8.  CW Ops Mini Tests (CWT). Three one hour tests Wednesday local.  13Z, 
19Z, 03Z (Thurs UTC).  Note that all six HF bands are now permitted. 
Exchange:  Name + CWOps# or Name + SPC for non members.
Be QRV in these contest and you may be nominated for membership. 
Activity centers around 028 kHz on each band except around 1815-1820 on 

Hope everyone has a good week and weekend. Thanks in advance to Fred, 
WW4LL, for permitting me to be guest operator at his station for ARRL SS 
CW this weekend.  I will be using K4BAI as the call.

Congrats to so many for such good scores in CQ WPX SSB last weekend.

73, John, K4BAI.

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