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[SECC] Information about NC QP next year and a commitment to operate GQP

Subject: [SECC] Information about NC QP next year and a commitment to operate GQP /m next year
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2011 14:50:40 -0500
This is posted to the reflector by request from W4MY who has been mobile 
in GQP in the past and plans to do the same with AA4XX next year.  We 
still need a volunteer to succeed NE4S as GQP manager.

73, John, K4BAI.


Hope you are doing well.  Had a couple of minutes before SS and wanted 
to let you know that Paul, AA4XX, and I will be definitely in GAQP 
mobile this year, and will be roving in S. GA area.  Very much looking 
forward to it.

I also wanted to let you know that NCQP is going to add an "expedition" 
class in 2012 in much the same vein as CAQP.  Paul and I will each be 
heading our own expeditions in support of this (what I feel is a) 
positive move.  I think a couple of other usual NCQP mobile participants 
will be doing the same.  What this means is that we will be short 
mobiles this year.  I guess you could call this letter an appeal to 
other mobile ops in the region to consider participating in NCQP in 2012 
to fill the gap.

Could you put the word out in your circle down there?  Let 'em know that 
Paul and I are taking other options and will let someone else win this 
year! HI! (TIC)  And, of course, it would be an honor to have you as well!

Its Feb 26, 2012, 10 hours only, Noon to 10pm EST.  Its short and 
intense and lots of activity.  800 QSO's for a mobile are not unheard 
of, and I'm sure you guys could top that!

Stay warm, and GL in SS this weekend  73  Marty / W4MY
"It is the province of knowledge to speak, and the privilege of wisdom 
to listen." - Oliver Wendell Holmes

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