Hello all:
We now have exactly $1000.00 pledged for a contribution to WRTC for SECC
to sponsor a tent at WRTC 2014. I will gather the checks and send them
in together to the treasurer Dick Green, WC1M. Everyone should make out
a check to "WRTC 2014, Inc." and send the checks to me. That way each
of you can deduct your donation as a donation to a (c)(3) charitable
organization. I will include a note requesting that we sponsor the
W4West team or another team if that one is already sponsored.
Larry, K3LB: I am sending your check back to you so you an replace it
with one made out to WRTC, Inc.
As a reminder, here are the pledges as I have them. If I overlooked
anyone or if anyone else wants to contribute, please send me your
check(s) too. The $1,000.00 is a minimum, not a maximum. Some of us
had already sent in WRTC contributions, but not as being from SECC.
N4DU $200.00
WA2MBP $200.00
K4BAI $100.00
KU8E $100.00
K3LB $100.00
N4XL $100.00
N4VDL $50.00
WW4LL $50.00
W4DD $50.00
KT4ZB $50.00
Many thanks to you all. If anyone wants to make an additional
contribution and wants to discuss special sponsorships or whatever, the
fund raising chairman for our area is Rick, NQ4I.
Good luck to all this weekend. 73, John, K4BAI.