Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
NOTE: I will register SECC teams for NAQP CW the first weekend in
August. It runs 2 PM Saturday to 2 AM Sunday EDT August 4/5. I will be
out of town most of that week and will be flying home most of Saturday.
So I'll put myself on the last team and make as many QSOs as I can
after I get home, get unpacked, and get the station on the air. So, I
need to know ASAP anyone who can be on an SECC team for NAQP CW that
Saturday. Please let me know if you will be full or part time. It is
primarily a domestic contest. Maximum of 10 hours for single ops.
Exchange is just Name, SPC (or DX for non-NA stations). Mults (SPC)
count per band. You don't have to be a member of SECC or inside any
geographical limits. So, please invite your friends, but let me know
ASAP. I will register the teams probably late Friday before the contest
by internet.
For ACG teams, contact WA1FCN.
1. July NAQCC Straight Key/Bug Sprint
K4BAI 47 27 4,860 SOQRP GAIN 2.0 GA SECC
NY4G 40 16 2,432 SOQRP SWA SC
W4JBB 10 10 200 SOQRP SWA GA
2. NCCC NS Sprint Practice, 7/20/12
K4BAI 43 26 1,118 SOLP 0.5 GA SECC
W4NZ 38 28 1,064 SOLP 0.5 TN TCG
3. CQ World Wide VHF Contest
N4OX 323 100 32,300 SOSB/6 LP __ FL ACG
KY5R 198 88 17,424 SOSB/6 HP __ AL ACG
K2SX 139 67 9,313 SOSB/6 HP 6 SC CDXA
WB4SQ 63 43 2,709 SOSB/6 LP 6 GA SECC
N4PN 47 34 1,598 SOSB/6 LP 3 GA GCG
K4BAI 47 32 1,504 SOSB/6 LP 3:21 GA SECC
NV4B 31 20 620 SOSB/6 LP 1 AL ACG
N4GG 22 19 418 SOSB/6 HP _ GA SECC
N3ZL 2 2 4 SOSB/6 LP _ SC SECC
4. ATS QRP Sprint
K4BAI 21 16 3 SOQRP 5W 2:36 GA SECC (Non ATS rig)
5. DMC RTTY Contest
W1BO 39 5 11 2 1,248 SO HP 1.2 AL SECC
6. NCJ North American QSO Party, RTTY Team
WW4LL 856 194 166,064 M/2 LP 12 GA GCG Ops: WW4LL,
W4OC 452 152 70,060 SO LP 8:31 SC SECC SECC SO2R
W4DXX 527 123 66,402 SO LP 10 GA GCG
N4KG 393 152 59,736 SO LP 10 AL ACG ACG GF
KB4KBS 275 107 29,425 SO LP 9.5 AL SECC SECC
WA1FCN 246 111 27,306 SO LP 5.5 AL ACG ACG GF
K4IQJ 225 119 26,775 SO LP 6 AL ACG ACG GF
W4UK 220 68 14,960 SO LP 8.5 SC SECC SECC
K4HAL 169 74 12,506 SO LP 4 AL ACG
W1BO 174 57 10,440 SO LP 6.5 AL SECC SECC
K4JTT 150 58 8,732 SO LP 6.5 GA SECC
NN4K 118 58 6,844 SO LP 8 GA SECC
KD8IGK 113 55 6,441 SO LP 7:27 AL ACG ACG GF
KM4JA 107 57 6,099 SO LP _ AL ACG
K1GU 100 48 4,800 SO LP 2.3 TN TCG TCG Mark
K4AMA 87 47 4,089 SO LP 4 SC SECC
AA4LR 77 48 3,696 SO LP 3.2 GA SECC
K4MTX 100 31 3,300 SO LP _ GA
NV4B 71 36 2,840 SO LP 1:46 AL ACG
N4XL 69 37 2,622 SO LP 2.5 SC SECC
NR4J 50 21 1,050 SO LP 6 AL ACG
SECC W4OC, KB4BKS, W4UK, W1BO 124,885 (WB2RHM had a family medical
emergency and was unable to operate. W4UK found his 40M antenna to be
ACG Goodfellas: N4KG, WA1FCN, K4IQJ, KD8IGK, KJ4RAG. 120,258 + KJ4RAQ.
7. July Straight Key Century Club Weekday Sprint
K4ZGB 48 27 1,611 SO LP AL ACG
WN4AT 40 19 1,025 SO LP AL
W4CUX 32 19 808 SO LP GA
AI4UN 9 8 157 SO LP GA
KB0ETU 8 8 144 SO QRP AL
8. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 1300Z, 7/25/12
K2UFT 14 14 196 SO LP .5 GA SECC
9. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 1900Z, 7/25/12
W4GFA 14 14 196 SO LP .5 SC SECC
AE4Y 8 8 64 SO LP .5 GA SECC
10. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 0300Z, 7/26/12
K4BAI 81 50 4,050 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
This Week's Contests:
1. QRP Fox Hunt. Thursday night local, 0100-0230Z Friday. Two QRP
Foxes will be calling between 14050 and 14070 kHz. Work only the two
foxes. Maximum power 5W output. Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, Power. The
two foxes for this week are N1IX, Dave in NH, and WC7S, Dale in WY.
2. NCCC RTTY Sprint Practice. 0130-0200Z Friday (Thursday night
local). 15, 20, 40, 80M RTTY. 100W maximum power. One kHz QSY rule.
Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. Look up 80 kHz.
3. NCCC NS CW Practice. 0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday night local). 15,
20, 40, 80, 160M CW. 100W maximum power. One kHz QSY rule. Exchange:
both calls, #, name, SPC. Look up 40 kHz and 1815 kHz. A new NS
Ladder Series will start next Thursday.
4. RSGB Islands on the Air Contest. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 80-10M
CW/SSB. Exchange: RS(T) + serial # + IOTA number if you are on an IOTA
5. MARAC US Counties QSO Party. 1400-2400Z Sat and same times Sun.
80-10M CW, SSB. Exchange: RS(T) + State + County or "DX." Managed by
W3DYA/M famous for his low power CW entries in GQP and other state QSO
parties. Norm also sponsors a plaque in GQP.
6. New Jersey QSO Party. 16Z Sat to 20Z Sun. 80-2M CW, Phone.
Exchange: RS(T) + SP/DX or NJ and NJ county.
7. Adventure Radio Society Flight of the Bumblebees. 17-21Z Sunday.
Maximum power 5W. 40-10M CW. Exchange: RST + SPC + Power or BB#.
There will be several hundred CW QRP enthusiasts who have applied for
BB#s for this event and who will be portable somewhere. Work everyone.
Hope everyone has a good weekend and a lot of QSOs. Since I will be out
of town most of next week, I'd appreciate everyone posting scores to the
reflectors or 3830 as soon as possible so that I can get out my report
while I am out of town.
73, John, K4BAI.