Apologies to N4OO. His club score was submitted for GCG.
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. NCCC RTTY Sprint Practice, 10/26/12
W4OC 22 19 418 SO LP 0.5 SC SECC SO2R
2. NCCC NS Sprint, 10/26/12
W4OC 51 42 2,142 SO LP 0.5 SC SECC SO2R
3. CQ World Wide DX Contest, SSB
Call QSO DX Zon Score Category Time St Club Misc
NQ4I 6782 653 185 13,930,074 M/M HP 48 GA SECC
N4NX 646 307 107 868,680 SOAB(A)LP 17.14 GA SECC
N4GG 636 307 107 731,124 SOAB(A)HP 12:36 GA SECC SO2R
K4BAI 721 253 95 701,916 SO AB HP 13:44 GA SECC
KT4ZB 656 114 32 275,794 SOSB/10(A)LP 15.5 GA SECC
NN4F 560 113 32 233,450 SOSB/10(A)HP 12 SC SECC
W4ANT 276 156 61 161,568 SO AB LP _ SC SECC
K4WSW 154 145 72 87,451 SO AB LP 14 GA SECC
N4TOL 137 82 46 43,904 SO AB LP 6 GA SECC
W4QNW 194 60 19 31,837 SOSB/80HP 21 SC SECC
Remember that Friday Nov. 2, is the deadline for log submission for this
contest unless you have obtained an extension before the deadline.
This Week's Contests:
1. NCCC RTTY Sprint Practice. 0130-0159Z Friday (Thursday local). 20,
40, 80M RTTY. 100W maximum power. One kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both
calls, #, name, SPC. Look up 80 kHz.
2. NCCC NS CW Sprint Practices. NS. 0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday
local). 20, 40, 80, 160M CW. 100W maximum power. One kHz QSY rule.
Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. This week same band dupes are
permitted after one intervening QSO. SNS slow speed practice.
0200-0220Z. Same rules as NS except no 160M and keep speed under 18 WPM
for the first 10 minutes and under 26 WPM thereafter. Don't know about
working dupes or not. Look up 40 kHz.
3. International Police Amateur Radio Club Contests: CW on Saturday.
SSB on Sunday. Rules are the same. 80-10M. Exchange: RS(T) + serial #
for non members of IPA. For members of IPA, they send "IPA" and state
if in US and just "IPA" if not in US.
4. Ukrainian DX Contest. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 160-10M CW, SSB.
Exchange: RS(T) + serial # or 2 letter Oblast abbreviation for UR
stations. Work everyone.
5. ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW. 21Z Sat to 03Z Mon. Work only US, US
possessions, and Canada. 160-10M CW. Work each station only once in
contest (not once per band). 24 hour maximum operating time with
minimum of 30 minutes for off periods. Exchange: Serial #, Precedence
(Q, A, B, U, M, S), Call, 2 digits of year first licensed, ARRL/RAC
section. Example: #1 B K4BAI 54 GA. This was patterned on the ARRL
formal message format. Q = QRP. A = LP (100W or less). B = HP. U =
"unlimited" (meaning single op using cluster spots). M = multi op. S =
school station. Club aggregate score competition. SECC has won the
gavel for medium sized clubs twice. NOTE: Local time will change at 2
AM EDT Sunday, so run your local clock back one hour. It doesn't affect
UTC, of course.
6. High Speed Club CW Contest (HSC). 09-11Z Sun. 15-17Z Sun. 80-10M
CW. Maximum power: 150W. Exchange: RST + HSC# or "NM."
7. DARC 10M Digital Contest. 11-17Z Sun. 10M RTTY, Amtor, Clover,
PSK31, Pactor. Exchange: RST + serial #.
8. November Adventure Radio Society (ARS) Spartan Sprint. 02-04Z
Monday night. 5W maximum power. Exchange: RST, SPC, Power.
9. Himalayan Contest 2012. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 80 to 10M CW, Phone.
Exchange: RS(T) + 2 letter Indian state or territory abbreviation and
RS(T) + transmitter power for non Indian stations. Work only Indian
stations (VU, AT prefixes).
Hope everyone has a nice weekend and a lot of QSOs. Please be as active
as you can in ARRL SS CW.
73, John, K4BAI.