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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2013 14:40:23 -0500
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  Straight Key Century Club December WeekDay Sprint (SKS)
K4BAI  49  25  1,550  SO HP  1:45  GA  SECC
K4ZGB  21  18    493  SO LP  1.0   AL  ACG
AI4UN  14   9    216  SO LP  _     GA  GCG
KB0ETU 12   8    181  SO QRP _     AL
NA4O    6   5     70  SO QRP _     GA
W4FOA   5   5     55  SO LP  _     GA

2.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Test 1300Z 12/26/12
NM2L   30  22    660  SO LP 1.0    GA  SECC

3.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Test 1900Z 12/26/12
NM2L   46  34  1,564  SO LP 1.0    GA  SECC

4.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Test 0300Z 12/27/12
KY4F   48  38  1,824  SO LP 1.0    AL  ACG

5.  North American QRP CW Club Milliwatt Sprint
K4BAI  11  10  440  SO QRPP 2.0  GA  SECC
AA4GA   9   7  252  SO QRPP      GA  SECC
WA4ZOF  4   3   48  SO QRPP      AL  ACG
NA4O    1   1    4  SO QRPP      GA

6.  World Wide Iron Ham Contest
Call  CW Q  Ph Q  RTTYQ  CWM PhM RTTYM Score  Category  Time  St  Club
K4BAI    1     4      0    2   4     0    46  SOAB HP   0:30  GA  SECC

7.  NCCC NS Sprint Practice 12/28/12
W4OC   40  33  1,320  SO LP  0.5  SC  SECC  SO2R
K0EJ   39  31  1,209  SO LP  0.5  TN  TCG
KY4F   27  21    567  SO LP  0.5  AL  ACG

8.  RAC Winter Contest
Call    CW Q  CW M  Ph Q  Ph M  Score    Category  Time  St  Club
N4PN     506    42   862    51  733,212  M/S HP    18    GA  GCG  +PKT
K4BAI    634    42   179    36  364,416  SOMix HP  11:01 GA  SECC
KM4JA    110    16    44    18   31,076  SOMix LP   6    AL  ACG
WA8REI   172    25     0     0   27,350  SOCW QRP  14    MI  SECC
W4NBS     71    19     9     5   16,224  SOMix HP   2.2  AL  ACG
W4SVO      0     0   121    11    8,558  SOSSB HP   1.5  FL  SECC
KG4CUY    40    18     0     0    7,920  SO CW LP   2    AL  ACG

9.  Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge
Call    QSO  Cl. Score  Cnf Score*  Category  Time  St  Club
K4PI    568  2,454      2,991       SO HP     14    GA  SEDXC
W6IZT   518  1,698      2,174       SO HP     10:44 GA  SECC
KU8E    278  1,183      1,557       SO LP    ~10    GA  GCG
AA4LR   294  1,030      1,400       SO LP      7.6  GA  SECC
N4DU    284  1,006      1,262       SO HP      9    GA  SECC
K4ZGB   170    922        896       SO LP      6    AL  ACG
N4PN    263    865        983       SO HP      6    GA  GCG
AG4W    255    834      1,035       SO HP      7    AL  ACG
K9AY    119    720        ___       SO HP      3.25 WI  ___
W4MJA   190    643        ___       SO LP      5    GA  SECC
K4BAI   152    430        547       SO HP      2:52 GA  SECC
AA4CF   156    ___        492       SO HP      _    GA  ____
KJ4EX    81    ___        384       SO HP      _    GA  SECC
W5JR    119    374        ___       SO HP      2.5  GA  SECC
KY4F    101    359        ___       SO LP      2    AL  ACG
W4SVO    59    281        ___       SO HP      1.5  FL  SECC
KG4CUY  106    276        ___       SO HP      3.5  AL  ACG
KS4L     83    265        323       SO LP      3.5  AL  ACG
ND4V     70    ___        198       SO HP      _    GA  SECC
K4LY     59    160        ___       SO HP      1    SC  CDXA
AE4O     26     78         92       SO LP      1:07 GA  SECC
*Confirmed scores come from N7TR's "live" score page.  These will change
as other logs are received.  If no claimed score is shown, I oculdn't
find a posting on 3830.  If no confirmed score is shown, there wasn't
one to be found on the TBDC logs received live update page as of press time.

This Week's Contests:

1.  Thursday night 80M QRP Fox Hunt.  0200-0330Z Friday.  3550-3570 kHz.
  Work only the two foxes (K9CW, Drew, IL and N0IT, Dave, MO).  Exchange:
  RST + SPC + Name + Power.  5W maximum power.

2.  NCCC NS Ladder resumes this week.  0230-0259Z.  100W maximum power.
  One kHz QSY rule.  20, 40, 80, 160M CW.  Exchange:  both calls, #,
name, SPC.  Nice prizes available for the ladder series participants.
Slow speed SNS from 0200-0220Z with same rules except no 160M and keep
speed to 18 WPM for first 10 minutes and 26 WPM thereafter.  Also a NCCC
RTTY NA Sprint practice 0130-0159Z with about same rules. 20, 40, 80M.

3.  PODXS 070 Club Contest.  0000-2359Z Saturday.  80-10M PSK31.
Maximum power 100W.  Exchange:  RST + SPC.

4.  QRPARCI Pet Rock Celebration.  1500-1800Z Sat.  80-10M CW.
Exchange:  RST + SPC + ARCI# or power.

5. ARRL RTTY Roundup.  18Z Sat to 24Z Sun.  24 hours maximum operating 
time.  80-10M RTTY/Digital.  Exchange:  RST + S/P or serial # for DX. 
There is a club aggregate score competition.

6.  European 160M Contest.  20-23Z Sat and 04-07Z Sun.  160M CW. 
Exchange:  RST + Name + Club + club# (or "NM" for non member).  Clubs 
can include QRPARCI, FISTS, FOC, HSC.

7.  Kid's Day Contest.  18-2359Z Sunday.  80-2M SSB + 2M repeaters. 
Exchange:  Name + Age + QTH + favorite color.

8.  Adventure Radio Society January Spartan Sprint.  02-04Z Tuesday 
(Monday night local).  80-10M CW.  5W maximum power.  Exchange:  RST + 
SPC + power.

9.  Tuesday Night 40M QRP Fox Hunt.  Same as 80M on Thursday night (see 
#1 above) except 3550-3570 kHz and two different foxes.

10.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests.  Next Wednesday.  1300Z, 1900, 0300Z 
(Thursday UTC) for one hour each.  160-10M CW. Exchange:  Name + CWOps # 
or SPC.  Hope NM2L will be QRV with his new CWOps #.

I have gotten pretty good response so far for team members for NAQP CW 
and NAQP SSB in January and NAQP RTTY in February.  Contact me for SECC 
teams, KU8E for GCG teams, and WA1FCN for ACG teams.

Hope everyone had a good holiday season and best wishes for much 
happiness in 2013.

73, John, K4BAI.

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