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[SECC] NCCC Practices for RTTY RoundUp This Thursday and Friday Nights

Subject: [SECC] NCCC Practices for RTTY RoundUp This Thursday and Friday Nights
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2013 20:56:36 -0500
Please join the Northern California Contest Club for RTTY Roundup
practice sessions on Thursday and Friday.  There are 4 practices so
that everyone can have a chance to test and debug RTTY decoding,
transmitting, and software macros in preparation for the ARRL RTTY
Roundup this weekend.

Thursday, 03 Jan 2013 (UTC)
    2230 UTC - 2300 UTC  (5:30PM EST to 6:00PM EST THURSDAY)

Friday, 04 Jan 2013 (UTC)
    0130 UTC - 0200 UTC      (8:30PM EST to 9:00PM EST*THURSDAY*)
    2230 UTC - 2300 UTC      (5:30PM EST to 6:00PM EST FRIDAY)

Saturday, 05 Jan 2013 (UTC)
    0300 UTC - 0330 UTC      (10:00PM EST to 10:30PM EST*FRIDAY*)

Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 - use bands appropriate to propagation in
your region and time slot chosen.

Use CQ RU as the solicitation and then exchange the standard ARRL RTTY
RU exchange.
RTTY RU Rules:

-Dean - N6DE
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