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[SECC] CQ-160

Subject: [SECC] CQ-160
From: w4qo at (Jim Stafford)
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 17:50:03 -0500
                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW

Call: W4QO
Operator(s): W4QO
Station: W4QO

Class: Single Op QRP
Operating Time (hrs): 7

Total:  QSOs = 235  State/Prov = 43  Countries = 2  Total Score = 23,355

Club: South East Contest Club


Very enjoyable.  Worked about 5 small (2 hour or less) sessions.
QSOs came pretty easy with few asking for "fills" from my QRP.
Most were first calls when I was not competing against another
station.  If I heard another station calling a station, I just
waited for the next opportunity.  The highlight for me was
"running" a freq for over 40 minutes early Saturday morning
with consistent results.  OR and NV answered my CQ!

Using the Elecraft KX-3 throughout and a 3/8 wave inverted L at
100' to the "bend", then 80' horizontal, 12 radials of 60',
matching at the base.

Worked 40 of the continental states plus KH6LC and PJ2T.  The
latter had a bit of trouble getting my call but not much.  LC
came right back on my 2nd call.  This brought my state totals
on 160 to 46 QRP (5 watts).  I'd say "or less" but on 160, I use
the full HALF PINT!

As always, thanks for digging me out!


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