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Subject: [SECC] [SEDXC] CW Open
From: dave at (Dave Edmonds)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 18:27:04 -0400
HI John,

I will be available for the 0000-0359z CWO on Friday night. I may have an
opportunity to work some of the other two sessions, but I've got 3:59
reserved for session 1. Sign me up for a part-time team member for CWO.



On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 3:21 PM, John Laney <k4bai at> wrote:

> The complete rules for CW Open can be found here:
> There are three sessions, each of which is like a new contest each
> session.  Saturday UTC.  0000-0359Z (which is 8 to 11:59 PM Friday local
> time).  1200-1559Z Saturday, which is 8 to 1159 AM Saturday EDT. 2000-2359Z
> Saturday, which is 4 to 7:59 PM EDT.  So it appears that Charles' conflict
> would only affect 1 1/2 hours of the first session. Or maybe one hour of
> the third session, depending on which night the conflict exists for.
> Exchange is serial # (start with 001 for each session) + name. Multiplier
> is the number of unique stations worked (you may work each station once
> each session on each band 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10M CW).  You compute
> your score separately for each session and then add the three session
> scores together to get your final score.  The webpage explains how to
> handle the three separate logs.
> There is a team competition and teams of two to ten members may be
> registered before the contest.  I am registering team(s) for SECC. So far,
> I have K4BAI, W4UX, and W4IX.  I'd love to have a full team or even more.
>  So, if anyone can be on a team for SECC (you don't have to be a member or
> live within any geographical area), please e-mail me with your call, your
> expected power level (HP, LP, QRP) and whether you will try to full time or
> part time.  I will register teams before the start Friday night and will
> send a confirmation to each team member.
> 73, John, K4BAI.
> ______________________________**_________________
> SECC mailing list
> SECC at

Dave Edmonds
PK Ministry Webs
dave at
"Webs from the Heart"
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