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[SECC] ARRL 160 AA4LR Single Op LP

Subject: [SECC] ARRL 160 AA4LR Single Op LP
From: aa4lr at (Bill Coleman)
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 12:51:58 -0500
                   ARRL 160-Meter Contest

Call: AA4LR
Operator(s): AA4LR
Station: AA4LR

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 18.4
Radios: SO2R

Total:  QSOs = 604  Sections = 66  Countries = 5  Total Score = 86,833

Club: South East Contest Club


160/80/40m trap inverted L up 10m with 24 radials.
80/40m trap dipole @ 10m (receive only)

Elecraft K3/100 w/ KAT3
Elecraft K2/100 w/ KAT100


I really pushed for a full-time effort in this contest, and this is the highest 
number of operating hours I've ever recorded. Conditions were not as good as in 
my personal best 2010 score. But, in any case, a lot of Qs made and a lot of 
fun was had.

I've checked the SO2R box, but the K2 only did duty populating the band-map so 
I could work stations on the K3 later. This probably accounts for only 3-4 
QSOs, so it didn't make a material difference in the score. The 80/40m dipole 
was not an effective receiving antenna.

Started the contest right at 2200z about 25 minutes before sunset. Band was 
already active. About an hour into the contest, my laptop alerted me that the 
battery was at 6% and would soon shut down. Huh? For some reason, even though 
the charger was plugged in, it was not charging. A mad scramble on my tiny desk 
and the laptop is charging about six minutes later. Whew! A non-functioning 
computer would have ruined my contest effort.

As always in this contest, delightful rates are possible with very modest 
equipment.  I tried to balance the time running and S & P, favoring running 
whenever the rate was above 40-50 / hour. 

Took 35 minutes off to eat around 0000z, and then stayed with it until 0800z. 
Did not get a good opening to the west this night. Other than working five 
stations in AZ, I couldn't get any west coast stations to hear me. By 0800z, 
rate had decayed to about 15 / hour. I thought it best to get a couple of hours 

Best moment this first night is when KH6/KU1CW called ME around 0400z ? just 
about the time the terminator crosses the islands. I also heard T32RC plain as 
day around 0720z -- again the terminator was nearby. Unfortunately, he could 
not hear me.

Back on in the morning at 1030z, but not hearing much of any opening out to the 
west. Lots of more local Qs to put in the log, and I wrapped it up at 1255z ? 
about 25 minutes after sunrise.

First night yielded 436 Q and 61 mults - considerably off the pace for my 2010 

Saturday was still a busy day, and even though I got a couple of naps, I was 
tired when I started back just after 2200z. Conditions were a little better, 
but it was harder to find people I had not worked. CQing brought marginal rate.

By 0400z, I was exhausted, and had a busy Sunday planned, so I decided to turn 
in early. Back on at 1155z for about 35 minutes and I was done.

Worked a little DX: C6AKQ was a permanent fixture. ZF, XE, VP5, FM. Heard F, 
OM, S5 and a few other europeans. These guys just couldn't hear my 100 watts.

Heard but missed a number of mults: ND, SB, SDG, SV, AK - KL7RA, SK - VE5UF, 
WWA. Thought I never was going to work a RI station. I find W1OP perhaps a 
dozen times, but he never heard me. A couple of times I got "AA? out of him, 
but nothing else. He wasn't hearing much of anyone else, either, since he kept 
CQing in our faces.

On the whole, I'm pleased with this effort. The Inverted-L did pretty well, 
although it could probably use another 16-20 radials. I have K9AY loops that I 
re-doing the controller for, but they weren't ready for this contest. 

See you on 10m, but don't expect a full-time effort!

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at:

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
           -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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