Ten-Tec Orion II $2900.00
Remote tuning knob
All filters installed
Reason for sale: New Flex 5000A
Amp Supply LK-800A Amplifier $1800.00
Capable of over 2Kw. 160 through 10 Meters.
Reason for sale: New Acom 1500 amp.
If you are interested in both of the above give me a call and
we can make a deal.
Vibroplex Bug. New, can't use due to arthritis in fingers.
New cost $199.00---sell for $150.00
Hughes 5 mW laser with 2 power supplies $35.00
This is not a toy!
Varian oil vacuum pump $35.00
Capable of pulling down to about 10^-4 Torr
Over 4000 semiconductors, both IC's and transistors,
in cabinets and packages. Come look at them and make an offer.
Also, hundreds of capacitors.
Several older computers, 286, 386, 486, monitors and other
parts. Looking for a good home. FREE
Need to clean out basement and storage spaces. I have some cable
and many parts you may like to have. Contact me and we can arrange
a time to come look it over.
_Please forward on any other local reflectors.__
Phone: 770-993-1767
E-mail: k4dli at
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