NS LADDER XX, Wk 6 of 8.
Thursday night in NA. .
NS Ladder XX resumes for the final 3 week dash to the finish.
Join us to sprint at break-neck speed. . . this is a real sprint to a
30min finish line. About 40 stations per week so far -- more always
welcome. It's a courteous group that immensely enjoys the weekly
competition and welcomes newcomers.
Time: 0230-0300Z (Friday UTC):
-- 20, 40, 80 and 160m 38-44 KHz up from band edge or 1815.
-- 100 watts max power.
-- Sprint format, mults per band and 1 KHz min QSY, 2-3
-- Contact stations once only per band.
-- Score reports to 3830scores.com <http://3830scores.com>
(Tks, WA7BNM)
NSL Rules: http://www.ncccsprint.com/ladder.html
Schedule: http://www.ncccsprint.com/next_ns.html
Divisions . . see map at http://www.ncccsprint.com/ladder.html
73 Bill n6zfo
Contest Director.
?'s to n6zfo at arrl.net <mailto:n6zfo at arrl.net>