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Subject: [SECC] NAQP CW Today
From: halken at (Hal Kennedy)
Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 12:17:03 -0400
Ill chime in with Don.  10 and 15 are important to watch early on. 
Looking at the last few years' logs, 40 is good all the way to the west 
cost about 2 hours before sundown.  That was a surprise, but the logs 
don't lie.  Meanwhile however, its way before sundown on the West Coast 
and there will not be many of them on 40 at 22Z.   80 and 160 of course 
open much later - they really are night-time bands.  The third hour 
looks to me like a good time to take a break.  The last 30 minutes have 
been very poor for me, but what you can work depends a lot on what you 
have not gotten around to working so far.  Also, the last hour is often 
the time for moving folks to fill in that mult table. I will also be 
SO2R.  If you hear Don or I ask you to move and then keep right on 
CQing, we are looking for you on the second radio......

Good luck...

On 8/2/2014 11:42 AM, Don Crain via SECC wrote:
> The solar flux is 168 today, and 10M is open now.
> We could have pretty good conditions for this one.
> Remember that sunset on the west coast is after
> 0300Z, so 80 and 160 will be best for the entire
> country late.
> I will be SO2R, so moving to different bands is no
> problem for me - and appreciated.
> Hope to see everyone on all 6 bands!
> 73
> Don W4OC

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