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[SECC] CQP Practice Last Night

Subject: [SECC] CQP Practice Last Night
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 08:02:26 -0400
Here is a copy of my summary sheet from the CQP practice last night.  W6 
signals were generally pretty weak on 20M even with my beam.  40M was 
the best band, but the signals there weren't extremely good.  80M was 
very weak.  Probably an hour or so too early for 80M.  Didn't hear any 
on 75 SSB, but didn't expect to after the 80CW signals were so weak.

Don't despair!  The high bands will be good to CA during the day Sat and 
Sun and the low bands will be OK during most of the hours of darkness.  
Especially 40M.  160M QSOs will be possible during the hours perhaps 
0300Z and after during darkness, but, as always a good antenna and high 
power will help on that band.

Watch for ten meter openings. There have been some good ones lately 
despite not too many during the recent WA and TX QSO parties.

Have fun!  73, John, K4BAI.

                           2014 CALIFORNIA QSO PARTY PRACTICE

      Call used: K4BAI                                  Location: GA

      Category: Single-Op                  Mode: MIXED  Power: High

      Callsign of Operator(s): K4BAI

      Exchanged Information: K4BAI nr GA

      Hours of Operation: 00:30

      band   CW QSOs    CW pts     Ph QSOs    Ph pts
      160          0         0           0         0
       80          4        12           0         0
       40          4        12           1         2
       20          6        18           2         4
       15          0         0           0         0
       10          0         0           0         0
      144          0         0           0         0
      TOTAL       14        42           3         6

      ( 48 ) QSO points  X  ( 8 ) Multipliers  =  384 points

      Club or Team Name: South East Contest Club

      Comments:  FT1000MP, Alpha 91b, 1 KW, TH6DXX, dipole, inverted vee.
      na: bai14fg.

      I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for
      amateur radio  in my country.  My report  is correct and true to the
      best of my knowledge.  I agree  to be bound by  the decisions of the
      contest committee.

      Date_________ Signature_____________________________ Call____________

      Name: John T. Laney III
            P.O. Box 421
            Columbus, GA  31902-0421  U.S.A.

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