Now that the K1N excitement is over, not to mention another major RTTY
contest just last weekend, now it's time to get your head re-oriented to
CW contesting in preparation for next weekend's ARRL DX contest. Here is
a suggestion:
Join us for CW fun on Wednesday/Thursday. Three one-hour sessions every
week: 1300-1400Z Wednesday, 1900-2000Z Wednesday, and 0300-0400Z
Thursday (Wednesday evening in the Americas).
Everyone is welcome. You don't need to be a CWops member to join the fun.
CWops Tests rules are at <> .
CWops Tests exchange - Members: Name and CWops Member Number.
Nonmembers: Name and State, Province, or DX Country Prefix.
Lots of contacts or just a few, please report your results to
<> .
Rich VE3KI
CWOps Tests Manager
CQ-Contest mailing list
CQ-Contest at