I have a bunch of stuff for sale. Recently bought a K3 and want to get a 2nd
for my SO2R setup. Cleaning out the shack and selling stuff I don't use to
raise some funds. Some of this is from my dad's estate and has very little use
and is in like new condition.
ICOM IC756PRO2 - $1300
ICOM PS-125 Power supply $200 will only sell if I sell the PRO2.
MFJ 492 Memory keyer - $100
Alinco DR-150 2 meter FM mobile radio - $75
Alinco DJ596T HT's. Have 2 - $125 each
Inrad FT1000MP Roofing Filter - $150
Kenwood TS850S. Has two CW filters and DRU-2 voice keyer installed.? $750
Add shipping via UPS to these prices. Or I can arrange to meet in the Atlanta
Jeff KU8E