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Subject: [SECC] QST QST -- CQWW SECC Circle...
From: halken at (halken)
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2015 08:53:43 -0400
GM All,

As many of you know, the CQWW organizers have expanded club circles to 
250 miles, for CQWW only.  The ARRL circle for participation remains at 
175 miles, and the participation circle for CQ contests other than CQWW 
remains at 275 Km, which is nearly identical to 175 miles.

So, if you are an SECC member but have been unable to contribute your 
CQWW scores to the SECC because of distance from our circle (33.24 N, 
82.5 W) please check to see if you are within 250 miles of the center.  
If you are, please consider sending your score in for SECC.

How can you easily check?

The SECC web site has been updated.  You can find it here:

At the home page, click on "Join the SECC" and at the bottom of that 
page, you will see entry boxes for your Lat and Long.  Entering those, 
the web page will return a yes/no for your being within each of the two 
circles.  You do not need to fill out the form as if you are applying 
for membership.

For more information on how circles are used to define the area for club 
competition, click on the web page "The 'SECC Circle.'"  That page 
contains a map that shows both the ARRL and CQWW circles. Note, for 
CQWW, stations from North Florida all the way up to Greensboro, NC can 
contribute a score to the SECC.  If anyone knows members in those areas 
that were not included before, please let them know they can now 
contribute a score and, of course, we would be happy if they did.  Also, 
perhaps you know a station or two that has never joined because they 
thought "there was no contest club for my area."  They may be within our 
250 mile circle - please encourage them to join.

if you have been to the web site recently, your browser may not load the 
newest pages.  Click at the top of your browser on the whirligig to 
reload the new pages.

A big thanks to Chaz, W4GKF, for updating the web site.

Best 73,
Hal N4GG

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