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[SECC] Announcement: WI QSO Party Next Sunday

Subject: [SECC] Announcement: WI QSO Party Next Sunday
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2016 23:05:08 -0500
Come to the Wisconsin Party on *Sunday, March 13* - Everyone's invited!
1:00pm until 8:00pm CDT - 7 hours of QSO party fun!

Exchange is S/P/C (out-state) or WI county (in-state).

Complete 2016 Rules, mobile route info and other information at:

Set your clocks ahead on Sunday the 13th and be on the air at 1:00PM CDT!
(first day of DST).

Tom Macon, K9BTQ
WIQP Team, West Allis RAC

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