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TR - first impression... suggestions wanted!

Subject: TR - first impression... suggestions wanted!
From: (Dave Henderson, (Nawvemburr Zeeero Dawg House))
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 11:32:43 -0700
Gene Shablygin wrote:

> 1. Old QSO edit. If I misprinted a callsign, and logged the QSO,
> and later try to work this station again, I receive a message
> "QSO before at XX:XX" (eventually, my correspondent uses CT).
> I can not scroll back to my old QSO with wrong call and make a
> correction, if it is not one of last 5 QSOs, right? How can I handle
> this situation?

USE <ALT-L> to search backward in the log, when youre in a 100+ QSO an hour 
rate then rather than 
break your stride do an <ALT-N> make a note to check it after the contest and 
moooove on! If I'm 
screaming along at high rate i do this even if the call is in the last 5 q's i 
find it less 
disruptive than trying to get the cursor on exactly the right point inthe QSO 
above and possibly 
screwing up the whole log/line.

> 2. When I see that the QSO is dupe, how can I know WHEN I made the
> first QSO, to advice my correspondent to make a correction.

Agin <ALT-L> will get you there, Do an <ALT-H> for a list of commands.

> 3. Call check partial shows only a few of possible calls (just one
> line), so after, say, 300 QSO it is useless. It was especially right
> during the IARU -- type K6 ... can you gess, if you worked K6W,
> while all the line is filled with K6A, K6B, K6C,...?

This contest was unusual in my experience in the  the number of K6 or W6, but 
in any case I find 
its almost as easy to enter the call and hit the space bar as to look at the 
call partial window.

> 4. The band plan is great... but why don't you save it on the disk?
> If the program crashes, after the restart it is empty! Of course,
> those who have PC/XT and ST-225 maybe can't afford to use this
> feature (so it must be switcheable), but what about people with
> pentiums and 8 ms disks? I would like to be in the exactly same
> environment after the restart, as I was before the crash.

This has merit (especially if Tree doesnt decide to fix the missing floppy / 
backuplog crash).
> 5. I want to keep frequencies of each qso for my log. I use to
> export my contest logs into my general logging program (AEA
> LogWindows), and of course, I want to have real frequency in my
> new log. As soon as those frequencies already known by TR, it
> is so easy to incorporate them into LOG.DAT. Again, this feature
> must be switchable (for those, who do not have radio controlled
> by computer).

No Opinion
> 6. To import my log into LogWindows, I nedded to use a text
> processor and Excel to rearrange the log. Does anybody know
> the easier way?

Not unless the guys a LogWindows decide to support TRLog. I use DXBase and Dean 
gratiously has 
written a conversion routine for TRLog to DXBase 4.5. Before that I used to do 
the same thing you 
do..Text file -> Excell -> Database log file. If you are halfway effecient at 
Visual BAsic then 
writing the conversion routine for Excell to Database need be a one time task.

dit dit

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